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Grilled margherita pizza: Something new for the BBQ

It's Friday night, pizza night! I’m always looking for easy barbeque ideas. For one, it’s the perfect way to stay out of the kitchen and away from the (hot) stove in the summer, and two, chef-in-training is in charge of the BBQ
By Karma Brown

I’m always looking for easy barbeque ideas. For one, it’s the perfect way to stay out of the kitchen and away from the (hot) stove in the summer, and two, chef-in-training is in charge of the BBQ. Which means a night off for this chef! So I pulled out Chatelaine’s grilled margherita pizza with prosciutto recipe (from the Summer’s Best cookbook), and prepared to relax.

I’ve mentioned how much we love make-your-own pizza. It’s part of our Friday movie night ritual, and while we have our fave toppings, branching out now and again keeps things from getting boring. And I knew this recipe (which is quite basic with only five ingredients) would appeal to everyone’s taste buds. The only tricky part was the pizza dough, but I have a feeling that might just be me. I. Hate. Rolling. Out. Pizza. Dough. There, I said it. I don’t know what the problem is but I can never get it round, the dough always has air bubbles, and it seems to shrink back on me with each roll. Super frustrating. But normally I’m rolling out one big dough ball, whereas for this recipe I cut the dough in six before tackling it with a rolling pin. And that worked much (much) better. Must remember smaller in better when it comes to pizza dough.

Once you have the dough rolled out into six individual pizzas, you brush both sides with olive oil and then place them on the hot grill for a few minutes per side. The dough puffs up a bit and browns, and then you’re ready to top the pizzas. You spread the sauce on first and then add a few slices of fresh mozzarella cheese (the cheese doesn’t need to cover the whole pizza as it spreads out during cooking). We also added the prosciutto before the pizzas went back on the grill, because we like the Italian cured ham a little crispy. Once the cheese melted (a few minutes more), we topped the pizzas with the cut up fresh basil and dinner was served.

This pizza reminded us of the grilled paninis we lived on in Italy (full of cheese, prosciutto and basil), which made for an even more enjoyable meal as we reminisced. And the mini was a fan, too, as ham, cheese and pizza sauce top her favourites list. We give this recipe a ‘molto delizioso’ stamp of approval, and plan to make it a summer barbeque staple at our table.


Try this recipe: Grilled margherita pizza with prosciutto


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