
16 Gorgeous Breakfast Smoothies Worth Getting Out Of Bed For

Meet our latest healthy Instagram obsession.
breakfast smoothie - oatmeal_stories instagram Photo, Oatmeal_stories / Instagram.

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then why not make it the prettiest?

Smoothie bowls have been stealing the show lately, but these breakfast smoothies are more user-friendly — and still completely 'gram-worthy. These beauties are just as good for you as smoothie bowls, but also have the advantage of being more portable and commute-friendly.

There are so many tasty smoothie options and add-ins that you’ll never get bored of using your blender. Start with a smoothie base you like (a thinner version of this green smoothie bowl will get you started), then get creative and add texture by layering fruit slices, chia pudding or crunchy granola for a smoothie parfait. (Bonus: Sprinkle nuts and seeds on top for a little healthy fat, or blend in some spinach for a vibrant and nourishing start to the day.)

Or, if chocolate is what you need to get you out of the bed in the morning, toss in some cocoa powder with those frozen bananas, and you're essentially eating a milkshake for breakfast. (Score!) Looking for more smoothie ideas? We've got some visual inspiration below — feast your eyes on Instagram’s best and brightest creations for a sip-friendly, nutritious breakfast:

Morning Matcha

Mix in some matcha for an antioxidant boost.

Taste The Rainbow


Why settle for just one colour? These smoothie colours use frozen bananas, acai powder, butterfly pea tea, matcha, passion fruit & raspberries. (Talk about a morning boost!)

Upside-Down Acai Bowl

Make this Brazilian super-fruit part of your breakfast routine.

Pretty In Pastels

Get monochromatic and give your berries a moment to shine on their own.


Kiwi Kale Chia Parfait

A trifecta of fibre, protein and greens will keep you fuelled until lunch.

Gingerbread Jive

A healthier holiday breakfast with festive flair. (Ingredients like rice milk, frozen banana, protein powder and gingerbread spice create a flavourful and balanced base.)

Get Figgy With It


Fresh figs aren’t just for decorating cheese boards.

Neapolitan Dreams

For when you can’t decide between strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate.

Melon Magic

Fresh and juicy scoops of melon add colour, texture and flavour to this banana, zucchini and coconut layered smoothie.


Blackforest Breakfast

Dessert for breakfast? Yes please! Chocolate oatmeal and cherry "nice cream" (frozen bananas blended with cherries) is a decadently healthy way to start the day.

Berries And Cream

Layer smoothies with creamy yogurt for extra protein.

Tie-Dye Turmeric


Turn up the turmeric trend by adding it to your morning cup. Here the layers of spirulina, blackcurrant and turmeric give the smoothie and beachside feel.

Peachy Keen

With this in hand, your morning will be juuust peachy.

Beet Berry Swirl

For an "up-beet" start to the morning.


Chunky Monkey

Banana, peanut butter, chocolate … what more do you need?

Chocolate Cherry

Look again, that's not ice cream. This beautiful concoction is a banana-raspberry-cherry blend (use frozen bananas) with chia pudding, chocolate and coconut.


Watch: How to make a colourful morning smoothie bowl


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