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Your Horoscope For May 2023

This month’s springtime is an excellent opportunity to show up and show out! But if you’re feeling like you just can’t deal, give yourself permission to not work too hard.
By Charm Torres
A grid of illustrations showing the different symbols for the zodiac signs Illustration: Sacha Stephan

May is when springtime is here to stay! Hopefully, no more snowstorms are in sight and the flowers are in full bloom. We are now approaching the other end of the eclipse tunnel that started last month. So if you’re feeling extra lethargic, or just can’t deal, give yourself permission to not work too hard. Sometimes it’s not laziness, but burnout. Or it’s not that you don’t care, but it’s because you haven’t had a restful sleep for a while. Take care of your body and rest as much as possible. Dates to note for May are:

  • May 1: Pluto stations retrograde at 0° Aquarius
  • May 5: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 14° Scorpio
  • May 7: Venus enters Cancer
  • May 14: Mercury stations direct at 5° Taurus
  • May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus
  • May 19: New Moon at 28° Taurus
  • May 20: Mars enters Leo
  • May 21: Sun enters Gemini

I highly recommend that you primarily read the horoscopes for your rising sign. If you don't know your rising sign, you can read for your sun sign (born during the day) and/or moon sign (born at night). Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit

An illustration of a bull wearing blue cowboy boots on all four feet. It's alsoo wearing a yellow cowboy hat that has the symbol for Taurus on it. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


April 20-May 20

There is a significant focus on your holistic health this month and if you were off to a rocky start, don’t fret as mid-month, many of the issues you’re facing will hopefully start to show potential for resolutions. Medicine is the key theme as you’re on a journey to figure out what healing means to you, especially as you experience monumental changes in who you are.

An illustration of a pair of cherries connected at the stem. One cherry has a smiley face and the other has a sad face. On the tip of the stem, there's a pair of leaves and a small gemini symbol Illustration: Sacha Stephan


May 21-June 21

If you’re feeling mellow this time of the year, you’re definitely catching the vibe of the cosmos. The start of your new year is perfect for a more introspective type of celebration. It’s not to say that you shouldn’t go out and be merry. But if you’re not down for a rowdy and extroverted time, give yourself the space to have some meaningful solitude. This can also be a different kind of enjoyment that brings you closer to yourself as you celebrate another year of life.

An illustration of a hermit crab with a pink shell. The hermit crab has a tear falling from their eye and is holding a flower who also has a frowny face on it. The cancer symbol is shown in circles above and below the crab. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


June 22-July 22

This month’s springtime is an excellent opportunity to show up and show out! You may start to feel like going out of your comfortable shell by braving the big world to spend some time with people. You may also feel the need to adorn yourself with anything and everything that makes you feel beautiful. In fact, this is a month of contemplating your relationship with beauty―in all contexts.

An illustration of a cat wearing a red bow around its neck and looking into a hand mirror with sparkles in their eyes. At the top of the mirror is a small Leo symbol Illustration: Sacha Stephan


July 23-Aug. 22

Spend the first half of the month finalizing the fine details of any projects you’re planning to launch—mid-month and onwards is excellent for sharing yourself publicly. If you don’t necessarily have anything public to share, it’s still a time to think about your relationship to visibility. How do people in your life see you? What parts of yourself do you share with the world and why? If you’re feeling particularly misunderstood, this is the time to reflect on the role you play in this dynamic.

An illustration of a burning heart being stabbed by six swords. in the middle of the heart is the Virgo symbol Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You’ll likely be a busybody this month, perhaps travelling and frolicking about in new places or visiting friends from faraway lands. But even if you’re stuck at home, make it a point to experience some new things because you’re in dire need of unique and one-of-a-kind adventures. Get creative if your resources are limited. If you’re able to, this is a great time to indulge and treat yourself—especially if it means being closer to the people you miss the most.

An illustration of balance scales. each bowl has the symbol for Libra on it. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t cancel your therapist appointment. Or if you’re not in therapy, please talk to someone you trust who can help you process your thoughts and feelings. It’s important to get feedback on how you’re understanding your own experiences. In any case, don’t be so hard on yourself and try to find levity in the little moments of your life.

An illustration of a pink scorpion wearing sunglasses and holding a heart-shaped lollipop. The Scorpio symbol is on it's front arm like a tattoo. it's other arm and legs have symbol tattoos as well like a star, moon, flower and snake. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you’re sensing a pivotal shift, you’re absolutely correct as the lunar eclipse this month happens on your sign. What this means is that your sense of self and your relationship with your body is going through some major transformations that have been brewing for a while now. You can start to see a culmination of your efforts (or lack thereof). But please remember to be kind to yourself. Often grief is followed by such big changes. Believe that you can receive all that you need and more.

An illustration of a bow and arrow with a flaming tip. the arrowhead has the Sagittarius symbol on it. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Work and other responsibilities will likely ramp up this month. There’s a chance that the increase is something you’ve been building towards. Hopefully, you can be happily busy as you keep your nose to the grindstone. There is nothing like fulfilling work that can keep you inspired and full of purpose. Just remember to come up for air, spend time with your beloved people and take care of your body during this busy time.

An illustration of a goat with a green mermaid tail. The goat is sticking out its tongue and wearing a medallion around its neck. the medallino has the Capricorn symbol on it. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Please add more delightful and pleasurable experiences to your schedule this month ahead. Whether that’s indulging in a romantic date night with yourself or anyone you love, supporting your local florist to beautify your home or splurging on a delicious feast, spend more time on what makes you feel joy this springtime. Don’t underestimate the value of an enjoyable time. These moments are what give your life the anchor you may be seeking. Ground your life in pleasure, not just responsibilities.

An illustration of two swans sitting in two large vases that have the Aquarius symbol on them. The swans have water falling out of their beaks. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Something’s up on the home front. It could mean a kind of expansion or increase is starting. Perhaps it’s about your relationship with your parents or other family members. Maybe more of your presence is needed there at this time. Or maybe it has to do with your literal home, some things need improvement or fixing. Don’t worry too much about it, but if things have been unclear or slow to get going, things will start to move forward around mid-month.

An illustration of two goldfish swimming around in a circle. the goldfish are wearing small party hats with pink and blue squiggly stripes and a gold star at the tip. In between the fish is the symbol for Pisces. Illustration: Sacha Stephan


Feb. 19-March 20

Please, stop and smell the flowers—literally! It’s time to get creative and bring pizzazz to your daily routines. If you’re feeling particularly stagnant and bored, think of some solutions to motivate you to live an inspired life. Perhaps changing the colour of your sheets or changing the furniture around is all you need to do. Space holds a lot of static energy so move things around! Most importantly, try and get yourself out in the sunshine more and explore new spots in your neighbourhood.

An illustration of a pink ram head wearing sunglasses. The symbol for Aries is shown on a star beneath the ram's head above two crossed swords Illustration: Sacha Stephan


March 21-April 19

Watch your spending this month dear Aries, as you may be a bit more generous with your resources overall or perhaps you want to treat yourself. Is it really a treat if you indulge yourself every day though? It’s an excellent time to brood over the value you place on material things because this impacts how you relate to money overall. And in turn, also reflects on how you place value on your own sense of self-worth.


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