
What does your zodiac sign say about you?

Leos are the life of the party, Aquarians are the most innovative and Sagittarians are always looking out for their next adventure.
2017 horoscopes Illustration, Kiki Ljung.

There’s more to astrology than just your horoscope. Your zodiac sign reveals some major hints about who you are and why you’re so damn lovable. (Here's to you, life-of-the-party Leo!)

Astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo gives us the lowdown on what your sign says about love, work, friendships and more.  



March 21 – April 19 Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and the first one ready to jump in the pool. Your ruling planet is Mars, the planet of war, and that accounts for your bossy reputation.


April 20 – May 20 Taurus is a security-loving earth sign — no one likes stability more than you. Venus, the planet of diplomacy and the one that governs personal finances is the co-ruler of this sign, along with relationship-oriented Libra.



May 21 – June 21 Gemini is an air sign that is full of ideas and plans. Your sign is known for being two-faced, but really it’s just that you can see all angles of an idea and so it’s hard to pick just one and stick with it.


June 22 – July 22 Cancer is a sensitive water sign ruled by the moon, and like the moon, you ebb and flow. Your sign is very emotional, so if you feel hurt or helped by someone you’re unlikely to forget.


July 23 – Aug. 22 As a fire sign that’s the centre of everything, it should be no surprise that your ruling planet is the bright, glorious sun. You are an energetic soul that has a flair for the dramatic.



August 23 – September 22 Virgo is an earth sign that is co-ruled by the planet Mercury (along with Gemini). Your sign is highly sensitive and rooted in the material world.


September 23 – October 22 Libra is an air sign that is concerned with fairness, beauty and connection. Your ruling planet is relationship-oriented Venus.



October 23 – November 21 Yours is a totally misunderstood sign, Scorpio! People often think that you’re fire because of how intense you can be, but you are a highly sensitive water sign.


November 22 – December 21 Your sign is a fire sign that’s associated with travel and adventure. No wonder because your ruling planet is expansive Jupiter.


December 22 – January 19 Capricorn is an earth sign, ruled by the taskmaster of the zodiac, Saturn. You can be very concerned with “right“ and “wrong,” so much so that you’re inclined to be hard on yourself and others.



January 20 – February 18 Aquarius is the most original of all the zodiac signs. Yours is an air sign ruled by the iconoclastic planet, Uranus.


February 19 – March 20 You’re the last sign of the zodiac, and some say that makes you super deep. Pisces is a sensitive water sign, ruled by the planet Neptune.



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