How you handle intensity is getting kicked up by the stars, right in time for Scorpio season. Pace yourself through your feelings so that you don't turn molehills into mountains. Temper your reactions with grace and compassion this month.
Get ready for surprises, Libra! This month has got it all – big feels, big opportunities, and big insights. It’s on you to grasp at it all, though. The worst thing that you could do now is to degenerate into “what if’s” and worst-case scenarios. Change is one of the only constants in life — you don’t need to fear it. The better you know yourself, the better equipped you’ll be to creatively reinvent your life, my love.
Jupiter enters your sign on the 10th and that can be very good news for you if you heed this warning: more is not better when what you’ve got isn’t quite right. You can expand or you can heal – the energy is there for either, Scorpio, it’s just on you to know what’s best. Step into the future by first honouring your past, and then intentionally leaving the parts behind that you have outgrown.
There are some very real problems that you have to deal with right now, and it’ll take real strength to do it. Instead of avoiding what’s hard, look for what you’re getting out of the very things that are bugging you. If you can find your part, then you can access the motivation to make it work, or the fire inside of you to make a change. Inspire yourself beyond your fears, Sagittarius.
Know which battles are worth taking up, and how. A little bit of strategy will go a long way this month. When you feel disrespected by something that someone says, do you respond to the comment or the disrespect itself? Different situations call for different solutions. The greater mindfulness you bring to your interactions with others, the better equipped you’ll be to act in ways that reflect your integrity, not your situation.
Things may be coming so quickly that you get overstimulated this month. It’s ok to drop some balls, it’s all about how gracefully you pick them back up, Aquarius. You want freedom, but it shouldn’t come at any price — make sure that your choices are aligned with your convictions. You may find that you have to slow down your progress in order to do things right, and if so, do it. It’s best if you arrive at your destination ready for the next big thing.
Anything worth having is worth taking risks for. This month will garner you opportunities to create more of the internal conditions that you crave, but nothing comes for free. Let go of your attachments to tracking the things you’re not currently engaged with. Strive to be present with what you’ve got, where you’re at, Pisces. This system isn’t perfect, but it’s simple, free and it works. Your presence is needed so you can be your very best self, my love.
This month may be a bit unsettling as you’re asked to confront some pretty hard feelings, Aries. You’re a fighter, but right now the universe wants you to be a lover, too. So instead of flying off the handle when upsets occur, try investigating your emotions first. You are on call to honour your heart without losing your head, especially in your relationships. Lead by example, especially when you’re tempted to do otherwise.
If you’re not willing to learn from the past you’re doomed to repeat it, Taurus. Be on the lookout for repeating themes in your life that may seem annoying, but are really an opportunity for you to play your part differently. Instead of being strategic in pursuit of your goals, just be true to yourself. On the 10th the planet of expansion enters your relationship house; don’t just get more from your relationships – get more quality by first bringing it to the table, my love.
You need to work on how you work, Gem. This month will confront you with the effectiveness of your habits, which may be a total pain in your sweet behind, if you’ve not been careful. If you’ve taken on too much or are not passionate about what you devote the bulk of your time to, you’re likely to feel disengaged and agitated. Don’t be discouraged! Turn those feelings into insight about what your life most needs.
October is a fertile time for you, if you’re willing to do the work. Your ego is likely to get challenged in October, especially around the middle of the month. This isn’t happening as a punishment — it’s an opportunity. Change your perspective and your responses can change. This month calls for the refinement of your goals so that you can achieve more of them. Rise to the occasion, even if it’s upsetting at first, Moonchild.
You need your fam — and they need you. If you can carve out some time to take adventures with your closest people this month, you should totally do it. Go on a trip, make a picnic in your living room, whatever you can pull off. Just make sure that you’re investing your best self in the people that hold you up. By mid-month you’ll be in an excellent place to meet new people — just don’t leave your old loves behind, Leo.
If you’re holding on, it better be to a thing that helps you to be a more whole person, Virgo. The Full Moon on the 5th is an opportunity to let go – really – of something that’s been keeping you stuck. If you don’t, sadness and potential power struggles will mark this month. Don’t commit yourself to attitudes, habits, or dynamics that you don’t believe in, even if changing things feels like an intimidating amount of work.
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