
Your Weekly Horoscope: August 16 – 22, 2017

Find out what's in store for you for Eclipse Week.
By Jessica Lanyadoo
Your Weekly Horoscope: August 16 – 22, 2017

A woman wearing a lion's head hat symbolizes Leo astrological sign for this week of August 16 to 22, 2017.

horoscopes aug 16-22 2017


July 23 – Aug. 22

This week it's time to intentionally look into the darker parts of your soul. This is not a performance, and what other people do or don’t think of your actions is not your concern. Look beneath the surface and better get to know yourself, so you can truly understand what’s been motivating your actions of late. To paraphrase the words of poet Nayyirah Waheed: if someone does not want you, it’s not the end of the world, but if you don’t want you, the world is nothing but endings.

leo 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

There’s so much happening inside of you that you may need to put others on hold for a minute while you just do you. The Eclipse is calling you to childhood issues, long-standing patterns, and other suppressed issue — and resistance is futile, my friend. Step with intention into your landmines, and then love yourself back into safety. Your fears are compelling, but it's not facts. Take emotional risks that allow you to be more whole and more present, my love.

virgo 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

Everyone around you is stressing, and that’s the kind of thing that really gets under your skin. This week you’ll need to set up healthy boundaries with your friends. You can show up without taking on other people’s stuff or trying to fix problems that aren’t yours. Your relationships may need to change, but this doesn’t have to be a defensive move or a reaction to forces out of your control. Step up, Libra.

libra 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

No matter how hard you try to get what you want, you’re unlikely to be happy if you want the wrong things, Scorpio. It’s time to get your ego and your heart on the same page, or you’ll feel start to feel torn and all kinds of wrong. You have nothing to lose when you follow your heart. This Eclipse is bringing up the shadow side of your conscious life goals. Investigate it so you can create greater balance in your life, my love.

scorpio 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

It’s not possible to be truly free when you’re also hampered by the past. This week you have a powerful opportunity to shed some old, self-imposed limitations that you’ve become far too used to, Sagittarius. Instead of avoiding your anxieties, this is the time to breathe right into them. Embrace your fears in moments when you would rather evade it, and you’ll end up with more information about yourself and more options for how to next proceed. Win-win.

sagittarius 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

If you don’t wanna be alone, Capricorn, then don’t be. If you want more people, or greater intimacy in your life, the onus is on you to put yourself out there and make it happen. Whether you need to deepen your current relationships or build new ones, it’s time to step it up. The trick is to be willing to be vulnerable without any reassurance of things going the way you want them to. It’s far better to try and to fail then to never try at all. Don’t phone it in this week.

An illustration of a woman with two hornsIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

The Solar Eclipse is happening in your relationship house, and that means big things for you, Aquarius. Dynamics that you thought were resolved may pop back up as other people’s true feels are revealed to you this week. Show up for the people you love, even if you truly don’t want to. It may be you who needs to assert some boundaries and change the landscape of your intimacies, and in that case, make sure to do it with compassion and patience. It’s clear mind, full heart, can’t lose time.

aquarius 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Feb. 19 – March 20

What you need is peace, and when you need it is yesterday. You’ve been feeling frayed at the edges and have been stretching yourself too thin, Pisces. It’s time to call a time-out and rein your energies back in. There’s a season for everything, and you can be most effective if you flow with the emotional weather fronts as they roll in. This week, you don’t have to make plans or figure anything out. All you have to do is you, my love.

pisces 2022 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


March 21 – April 19

You can be healed by love, or you can let it destroy you. When the people and things you love don’t make your life a healthier or happier place to be in, something’s wrong, Aries. This week it’s time to heal or be healed. Own up to your self-destructive patterns and choices because they belong to you alone — and only you alone can transform it. Practice radical self-love by stepping into your shadow and showing it compassion, not entitlement.

Aries horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


April 20 – May 20

Where you find home is deeply personal. It may be in your memories, with a person, a place, or on your couch eating bonbons. The thing that’s for sure is that your sense of belonging and home is getting triggered right now, Taurus. It's easy to get overwhelmed and check out, or worse, freak out and obsess, but it wouldn’t be wise. This is the time to seek to free yourself from the harmful dynamics and attitudes of your past and step into a new light. You’ve got this.

taurus 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


May 21 – June 21

There’s what’s possible, and there’s what’s easily possible, and just because you don’t have the latter, doesn’t mean you can’t have what you really want. This week you’re likely to be wrestling with some demons that tell you that you’re not able to get what you want, but they're wrong. Align yourself with the process of getting there, not the perfection you wish to achieve once you arrive. If you accept the next steps in front of you, you’ll get there in the exact right time, Twinny.

gemini 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


June 22 – July 22

You may tell yourself that you care about puppies and rainbows, that they’re the most important things to you, but the proof is in the pudding, Moonchild. What you value is reflected in your actions, not in your thoughts alone. This week is set to trigger your values. Step into your ambiguities, your unintegrated bits, and your fears this week. The only way to heal it is to feel it. Try to unify your choices with your convictions, my love.

cancer 2017 horoscopeIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


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