
How to tone your arms and legs for summer, fast!

10-minute workout: Rock your shortest shorts and slinkiest shirts with this super-speedy routine.
By Alanna Glassman; Consulting trainer Kathleen Trotter; Photography by Roberto Caruso
Workout to tone shoulders and legs Masterfile

Do these moves three times a week, and you'll see more definition in a month or less. For faster results, add 20 minutes of cardio.

You need: Dumbbells

Forward jabs 1. Forward jabs

1. Forward jabs Stand in boxer stance with one knee raised to chest. Focus on a fixed spot just beyond your reach and forcefully drive opposite fist toward that target as you step back into a slight lunge. Punch 10 to 12 times with each arm. Return to start. Do 3 sets, then switch to opposite leg.

Perfect your form: Avoid locking your elbows. Dial it down: Decrease the numbers of punches and reps. Amp it up: Hold a light dumbbell in each hand.

Sumo squat with bicep curls 2. Sumo squat with bicep curls

2. Sumo squat with bicep curls Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lower into a wide squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Without bouncing up and down, hold the squat and perform 15 biceps curls. Shake it out. Do 1 more set.

Perfect your form: Keep your back straight, ensuring you bend equally at the ankle, knee and hip joints. Dial it down: With each bicep curl, stand up out of the squat. Amp it up: Use heavier weights.

Forward lunge & tricep extensions 3. Forward lunge & tricep extensions

3. Forward lunge and tricep extensions Start in a lunge with arms raised overhead, both hands holding one dumbbell. While maintaining lunge, lower hands behind you until your forearms are parallel to the floor. Do 15 reps. Switch legs. Do 1 more set.

Perfect your form: Tuck in your tailbone to protect your lower back. Dial it down: Perform tricep extensions from standing. Amp it up: Hold one weight in each hand instead.

Alternating lunges with front opener 4. Alternating lunges with front opener

4. Alternating lunges and front opener Stand with weights at shoulder level, arms bent. Step forward into lunge, extending arms out. Return to start and repeat, lunging the opposite leg forward. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

Perfect your form: Maintain good posture; don't let yourself slouch forward. Dial it down: Skip the lunge. Amp it up: After completing this exercise — and without resting! — put weights down and do 10 jump lunges.


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