As you embrace greater freedom and autonomy in your life, you’re likely to have to grapple with attachments to that which holds you back. Examine your assumptions and beliefs about yourself (or the world) to make sure that you aren’t unconsciously undermining your own ambitions and progress, Twin Star. It’s time to get out of your own way.
It’s time to slow down and regroup. If you’ve been moving too fast or trying to process too much, it may have put you into a stressed-out state of mind. Reconnect with your body as a way to nurture and care for yourself this week. It’s more important that you get there feeling right with yourself than it is that you get there quickly. Treat yourself with the same love and patience that you would grant someone you care about; be a good friend to you, Moonchild.
Just because you communicate your boundaries in a clear way doesn’t mean other people are going to respect them. Sometimes you’ve just got to do the right thing because it’s right for you. Release whatever attachments you have to the way the cookie crumbles from there. If you can do your best to identify, honour, and communicate the truth, even if it’s unpopular, you’ll have done your part this week, Leo.
Just because a relationship needs work doesn’t mean it’s a failure. This week you may need to take a creative approach to dealing with difficulties in a relationship, but it’s totally worth it. You don’t need to finesse others; what you need is to be true to yourself and then communicate what you can and can’t do, or what your preferences are, in a clear and kind way. Don’t make it more complicated than that, Virgo!
It’s time to let go, Libra. This week you’re likely to be grappling with scarcity-based thinking and other negative obsessions. This isn’t something that you can really think your way out of. What you need now is to put your emotional intelligence to the task. Empathy, nurturance, receptivity, and care are necessary this week. Whether you need to turn that within first or apply it to others, the key is to be the source of support that you dearly need.
You’re working through some really deep patterns, Scorpio, and that means it’s not only important to consider what you do but also your motivations for doing it. If you are allowing jealousy, pettiness, or power struggles to direct your behaviour, you may be successful, but you will essentially be investing in the things that you don’t want. Learn from the lessons of your past, and do what’s in alignment for you, even if that means letting others get away with bad behaviour.
The full moon in your sign on the 14th is likely to have you in your feelings, Sagittarius. If you don’t have enough space in your life to sit with your emotions, or if you’ve got too many opinions rattling around in your head, this may be especially uncomfortable for you. Do your best to engage with anxiety in a healthy and patient way. Your emotions and your thoughts may be all over the place, but your response to them doesn’t need to be.
If you’re feeling anxious or lost this week, the best thing you can do is follow your joy. Invest in what brings you the most happiness as well as a sense of peace, Capricorn. If you don’t know what that is, then turn the discovery of it into your homework. Life is not just a series of boxes that need to be checked; prioritize your quality of life in the here and now, even if that means that you need to make some changes, my practical friend.
It would be easy to get involved in power struggles this week, but it would also most likely be a waste of your energy. If you’re feeling bad, it may be tempting to pick a fight with others or look for who or what is to blame, but that may not be the most important thing at hand. Investigate your anxieties and fears with empathy. Knowing yourself will take you much further than launching a true crime investigation into the motivations of others, Aquarius.
This isn’t a good time for making moves based on your knee-jerk reactions, no matter how strongly you feel them. Learning to identify the difference between your intuition and your impulses is an important skill to cultivate, and one that you can make strides towards this week. Do your best to sit with your emotions before trying to make sense of them. In other words, be inquisitive about your own internal landscape so that you can find your truth, Pisces.
You can push forward as much as you’d like, and you may even achieve your aims. The problem is that in the process, you may also kick up opposition to what you’re doing. If others feel ignored, abandoned, or bullied by you, things are likely to feel pretty funky, even if you’ve got a bouquet of roses in your arms. The simple solution is to listen to others and include them in your plans. You can’t always please people, but you can be diplomatic in how you approach discord.
What motivates you? Make sure that you are allowing your healthiest and wisest ambitions to drive you. You deserve to be happy, to feel abundant and safe. In the words of Pink Floyd, don’t "exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage." If you need to turn your back on something that doesn’t make your life better, know that even if it hurts, it’s the right thing to do this week. Everything in life is a bet, so you may as well bet on you, Taurus.
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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.