April 20-May 20
The full moon in your relationship house on the 18th is likely to kick up some major interpersonal tension. When one thing ends, something else inevitably begins. If you allow your fear of emotional pain to dominate you, you’re not really living, Taurus. Prioritize honesty over security this week. If your stability is built on a foundation of half-truths, misunderstandings, or lies, the first upset will tear the whole thing down. Even if it is painful, the truth will set you free, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.
May 21-June 21
You’re finally getting it, Twin Star! It’s time for you to leverage your strength and your resiliency for yourself. That doesn’t mean against or in contrast to others—it only means that you are ready to put your wisdom into practice. No matter how small or big your efforts are, do your best to embody your potential. You are coming to the end of a powerful cycle of development, and on its heels is a beautiful new beginning. Rise up with your best self this week.
Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.
June 22-July 22
If you’re not self-referential, it’s really hard having healthy boundaries, Moonchild. The art of self-reference is about being able to refer back to your own felt experience and to be able to use that information to determine your needs, your limits, and your best next moves. You don’t need to predict the future, but you do need to be present. It’s time to take responsibility for what you do—but also what you consent to participating in, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.
July 23-Aug. 22
You don’t need to know the answers any more than you need to have the solution. You are not alone, and no one but you expects that you can solve everything on your own, sweet Leo. It’s time to actualize what you’ve been working hard to understand—and part of that is about asking for help or collaborating with others from time to time. It is a sign of strength to seek wise counsel when you need it. Don’t allow pride to get in the way of your best interests this week.
Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The situation that you find yourself in this week is here to teach you a lesson in not knowing. Practice acting in ways that honestly reflect your hopes and cares this week, Virgo. Your fears may say it’ll cost you some kind of stability or safety, but you can’t know for sure what will happen. Be brave enough to honour your feelings, even when it’s inconvenient, and be resilient enough to know that there’s a bigger picture than just this moment—not everything has to be a win, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
This week you can expect to be confronted with the unknown. This isn’t a good or bad thing, but it may be somewhat destabilizing, especially if you’re looking for a quick fix or easy answers. Don’t confuse not knowing with being in the wrong place, Libra. You’re being challenged to be present when it’s uncomfortable, to explore when you’re most tempted to shut down. Try not to be in such a rush to get to the destination that you miss out on the journey.
Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You always have a choice, Scorpio. This week it’s time for you to take responsibility for the agency you’ve used in your life, and the consequences —the wonderful, the mediocre, and the messed up—that they’ve incurred. When you can understand your own power in a situation, you're less likely to feel like a victim, or like life is happening to you. Assess your situation and make decisions that reflect the person you want to be this week.
Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
As things change, you must change with them. This week will challenge you to stay present when you’d rather indulge in more pleasant distractions, but as the saying goes, “what you resist shall persist.” Be interested in the way you feel; be interested in what others are revealing to you about themselves; be interested in the world around you. This isn’t the time to come to hard and fast conclusions. Just explore the landscape before you, Sagittarius.
Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
When you internalize too much, your feelings get twisted up inside of you, and things don’t only get unpleasant, but they get confusing, too. Life is likely to feel pretty stressful this week, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. If you don’t get what you want, or if circumstances pile up on you, try taking a deep breath, Capricorn. There are many steps you can take, but if at least one of them isn’t being present for your feelings, you’ve lost the thread, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Love, compassion, empathy—and the resiliency to function from those states—are a practice. When you allow yourself to fully drop into your feelings, and to honour the ways that we’re all connected, you are able to see more nuanced and dynamic truths. This is power, and it also comes with responsibility. How you treat yourself and others, not in theory, but in day-to-day practice, is in need of your consideration, this week. Rise beyond your pettiest instincts and dare to authentically feel your concern.
Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.
Feb. 19-March 20
When the ego is repressed or over-expressed, it’s a mess. The ego itself isn’t “good” or “bad”; it’s a part of all of us, and like all of your other parts, it needs to be handled with grace and intention in order for it to thrive. If you find yourself repressing your ego this week, you’re likely to feel resentments building. Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel and to identify what you most want—before you decide what is or isn’t possible, Pisces.
Learn more about what it means to be Pisces.
March 21-April 19
Things are changing and it’s hard to find secure footing in the chaos. So find your body. I know it sounds weird, but this is a powerful time to get grounded in your physical form, Aries. If you can be present in your own self, you can better understand the situations and impulses that you’re dealing with. You are experiencing a deepening of your heart, but it may feel like it’s messing up your head. Stay with it, to see what it’s all about.
Learn more about what it means to be Aries.
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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.