March welcomes a new beginning, the spring equinox, and the astrological new year. But before that, we start with a new moon in Pisces on March 2 that’s conjoined with abundant Jupiter and liberating Uranus. It lights up the month with a feeling of fresh hope and perspective.
Venus (finally) and Mars move into Aquarius on March 5, while Mercury enters Pisces on March 9. These ingresses set the mood for empathetic idealism and a desire to feel inspired. A full moon in Virgo takes place on March 18, which illuminates what has been growing since September 2021. The full moon is trine Pluto, which encourages a cathartic release of whatever needs to end.
Spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere) happens when the Sun enters Aries on March 20―it’s the equivalent of the astrological new year. More fiery and dynamic courage flows through the end of the month as Mercury moves into Aries on March 27 and the new moon in Aries emerges on March 31. With two new moons to begin and end the month ahead, read your March horoscopes for some gentle guidance.
Since last year ended and the new year began, you’ve been deep in the gruntwork of excavating the truth of your values, principles and support systems. Belonging means the kind of intimacy that is generative and healing. What have you learned in the past three months (and what have you continued learning) about what you desire to cultivate more in your life? Your attention and capacity for responsibility are not unlimited.
When your plans veer off track, how do you feel? What types of thoughts spiral through your head? The thing is, you’re the kind of brave person that inspires, and you’re no stranger to pursuing challenges. However, there’s something about failure that makes you wallow in a deep sea of self-perceived inadequacies. Get to know why you feel you’re not deserving.
You’re on schedule for profound integration of all the metaphorical and literal Post-it notes, random voice memos, free-writing dream journals, sound bites of wisdom, and conversational gems that you’ve collected as of late. Now is the time to make sense of the bigger picture. How have you been reevaluating and restructuring your reality? If you’re feeling the urge to express and publicize your reflections, go for it! But make sure you dedicate enough quiet solitude to absorb and metabolize your journey.
What are you understanding differently now that you’ve had some space to process it? The month ahead prescribes that you move towards clarity so you can name your experiences. And in the process of articulation, the fog that obscures your path lifts and your compass resumes to take you where you need to go. Remember that you’re in charge of your reality, even if it sometimes feels like there are too many variables outside of your control.
t’s okay if you’re unsure about how to proceed. It’s totally fine that you care deeply if others like you or not. Drawing boundaries in your relationships is not about dramatic abandonment of all your previous conditioning. You need to dedicate skillful awareness to understand how you got to where you are in the first place. And that kind of work requires a lot of time and empathy. Your relationships (of all kinds) have been on an underworld journey of uncovering all the ugly and vulnerable truths that you’ve either forgotten, neglected or consciously avoided. There is no destination to healing. You are already doing it.
It’s because of your naturally earnest personality that you may find yourself in various kinds of imbalances―where you’re not mutually met with the equivalence of your generosity. Whether this happens at work, in your intimate relationships, with family, even with your cat, March is for allowing yourself to mourn what cannot be, simply because others are not ready to meet you with the same devotion you offer. (Or simply because you’re unwilling to receive less than what you are ready for.)
How have you surrendered to your desires these past few months? What have you learned about resonance? You’re a creature who values sharpening one’s tools―whether that’s learning how to bake the perfect chewy cookie or honing emotionally intelligent communication skills. You are here to serve, to be devoted, to offer the seemingly endless love you have to offer. But before you do, make sure it’s precisely what you want. This path is never linear or static—it flows like a river. The process of clarifying what’s driving you, and why, is the work.
Nostalgia is quite the seductive potion because it tugs at your pining heart and child-like wants for simpler times. It also stirs your current regrets, because the weight of adult responsibilities feels heavy. The road ahead requires so much growing up. March will shower down the reality that maturity is necessary for living with a more mindful presence—but it does not have to be at the expense of silencing your inner child. In fact, to grow up, you must integrate all the parts of you that have lived through time.
Repetition creates muscle memory. And muscle memory is simply an expression of ease and an outcome of devoted discipline. Pay attention to things in your life you mindlessly repeat―habits and behaviours you’ve been acting out since childhood, learned in your youth or picked up during an acutely stressful time. The beauty of being alive is that you have the agency to change. You can develop new devotional practices and build new muscle memories.
How would you approach yourself if you were a force hurtling at a certain speed? Are you like a gentle snail who starts and stops, never really picking up enough momentum for it to count? Are you a speeding squirrel running towards a tree who springs up from the ground as if you’re defying gravity? Or do you embody a head-on crash, unaware of its own velocity? How can you alter your speed so that the bump is a transformative energy exchange and not a harmful collision (or an ineffective, almost non-existent nudge) when you approach? Imagine this as a metaphor for how you support yourself.
Did you know part of the etymology of the word evaluate comes from wal-, which means "to be strong?" You’ve been in serious confrontations with your personal values and aligning with what’s truly resonant for you. The month ahead propels you to experiment and apply the adjustments you were pondering the past couple of months. How are you strengthening your sense of self in the life decisions you’re making, big or small? What kinds of articulations are you now more able to speak into existence?
Your desire to internalize and lay low is complicated by bouts of longing for connection. You’ve been in a bit of a hermit cave, but you may find yourself peeking out and enjoying a bit of fresh sun and wind on your face, so to speak. It’s sometimes too easy for you to remain in your own head. As you take your time to strengthen your own resolve and execute your next steps, make sure to reach out to your trusted beloveds for feedback and support.
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