You don’t have to do it all alone, Gemini! Relationship building is an important part of your personal development. Sharing your interests and concerns with others, and then being receptive to their perspectives, can help you in more ways than you would imagine. Consider how you participate in the reciprocity of your relationships this week—at work, at home, and wherever else you are interdependent with others.
Your sadness is fair, healthy, and normal, but it’s important that you respond to it with kindness. This week, you run the risk of overthinking your feelings and thereby making them worse. Allow yourself to be where you’re at without needing to figure anything out as your first response. Allow space for your insides to be restless, even if that makes you feel a bit chaotic for a while. Tend to your heart before you analyze and make decisions this week, Moonchild.
Choose your battles wisely this week, Leo. You’re likely to be feeling a little punchy, and that may rile others up. If you want to get things done in a way that includes others, you’ve got to remember to make them feel included! You don’t lose power by asking for help or compromising; in fact, the more you collaborate with others, the more power you'll have and the more likely you are to earn their trust. You are special! And you don’t always need to be the centre of things to have proof of that.
This is a terrible time for perfectionism, Virgo. Do your best to leave room in your life for spontaneity, pleasure, and fun, even as you deal with the hard aspects of life. Sometimes the most efficient path is not linear. Give yourself the grace of honouring your needs and desires while you work towards your goals and on the heavier emotional themes that are running through your life. Also, take time to smell the roses.
You’re moving through some heavy terrain as you work out ways of engaging with power, both in the world around you and in your relationship to your inner power. It’s likely to kick up some sticky emotions and potentially anxious mental loops. Be patient with your progress, Libra. To achieve thorough and lasting change, you need time. Be where you’re at, even when it’s uncomfortable this week.
Times are tough, and you may be dealing with some anxiety this week. To make things a little more complicated, the people around you may be as well. It’s important to tap into your own wisdom and to remember to identify and use the resources that you have within yourself. It is human to be vulnerable, and you don’t need to feel bad about that. Don’t forget to do the little things that help you to nurture your emotions, Scorpio.
Just because you aren’t getting what you want or things aren’t going quite to plan doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path. Take what’s not working for you as an opportunity to become more interested in that topic. Do you have something to learn? Is it important that you show up more or attempt to be a better listener? If you’re willing to reflect and learn, you will find that the path opens up in front of you. Don’t force it this week, Sagittarius.
There’s no way to know what’s going to happen. You can plan, work hard, project possibilities, but you can’t really know. If you can be in uncertainty without projecting fear or worst-case scenarios, you will hit a Capricorn jackpot! If you can’t know what comes next, why not expect the best? Your state of mind will have a meaningful impact on what actually happens in your life this week, Capricorn.
You may find yourself in a catastrophizing state of mind this week, and whether it's internal or you're dealing with a real emergency situation, it’s important that you mind where your energy goes. Let go, Aquarius. You don’t need to track all the details, have the perfect reactions, or even understand everything that’s going on. By releasing your attachment to perfectionism or unrealistic ideals, you will actually be in a better position to make use of the information you have and point yourself in the right direction.
Emotional evolution is especially hard; you can know all the right answers and do all the right things, but without time and reflection, the heart doesn’t grow. If you’re feeling impatient with your progress this week, cut yourself some slack. You are working through some deep and old patterns, and it’s not a linear process. Have confidence in your capacity, even if it’s a struggle at this moment, Pisces.
Patience is not the easiest thing for you, but it’s exactly what you need this week. You don’t have all the necessary information, and the time just isn’t right. Instead of trying to force an answer or rush progress, work on being present for whatever is happening in the here and now. Beware of the potential for your ego to steer you away from your better judgment. Slow and steady wins the race, Aries.
As a security-minded sign, it can be hard for you to accept instability in your life. Instead of struggling against what you don’t like, do your best to be open. You may need to be open to different ways of living or being, open to your emotions (even the yucky ones), or open to the need for change. In any case, your heartfelt presence is required before you do anything unnecessarily defensive this week, Taurus.
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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.