July feels simple, but not necessarily easy. But it could be! It’s about ordinary and mundane things. It’s about being in transition and moving towards change. It’s about facing your fears. A new moon in Cancer occurs on the 9th, followed closely by Mercury finally ingressing in the same sign on the 11th. It’s all about cultivating and nourishing what you care deeply about. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st, and Mars follows on the 29th. This change helps you tend to all kinds of labours of love—and say no to what’s no longer sustaining you. The Sun rejoices and enters Leo on the 22nd, solidifying the summer season. A full moon in Aquarius takes place on the 23rd, illuminating whatever grew since February 2021. Finally, Jupiter slides on back to Aquarius on the 28th, continuing any unfinished business since December 2020. Read your horoscopes for gentle nudges and guidance.
June 22-July 22
Summer solstice this time of the year always signals new and fresh beginnings for you. You may be inclined to strategize and integrate the multiple hats you wear so you can better understand how to support yourself. You may feel the burden of daily responsibilities as the month ends. Still, you would do well to declutter your schedule to focus on what’s most important. And right now, your shared time and resources with others need some attention.
Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.
July 23-Aug. 22
You will likely feel like a hermit for the first half of July, which may seem paradoxical to the tendencies towards extroversion the summer season brings. Despite this, it would do you well to conserve yourself. It may not always be apparent to you, but you need a lot of alone time to really connect to your thoughts and feelings. Halfway through the month, you’ll thank yourself for spending more inward time and start to feel a lot more energized and fueled up.
Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Imagine what it would mean for you to release any preconceived notions you had about friendships and the possibilities that come with that kind of relationship. It’s likely that for this month, you’ve got some questions about the intimacy of non-romantic connections and how they can be a site for deepening your self-love. In other words: the kind of love that society likes to sell as something you can only get from romantic partners. Explore beyond that script and watch yourself soar to new heights and aspire towards other kinds of love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Your passion for nurturing and protecting what you deem essential and ethical will become more evident as this month rolls on. Your homework? The kinds of values and social responsibilities you want to commit to. Deliberately join forces with people who will hold you accountable with a firm-but-graceful hand. You deserve truths that are not sugar coated. Instead, you need honest people who will communicate clearly so you can show up better for your life.
Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Enjoy yourself this month, Scorpio. Lean into the excitement and thrill of knowing precisely what you want out of life by figuring out each step to get there. It’s all about strategic planning that diminishes your fear of the unknown and increases your competency for empowered decision making. All of life is about showing up and practicing. Figure out if your standards for success may actually hinder the very goal you set by having impossible aspirations. Take it one step at a time.
Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Take time to know and desensitize yourself to the emotional charge that comes with failing. Failure can be such a great clarifier. It’s enlightening. Even better, fail purposely so you become less afraid of it. You may find that it leads you towards paths that you may not consider if you were not making mistakes or deliberately making a fool of yourself. Oftentimes this fear of failure is just vulnerability in a mask.
Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Are you aware of signs of a devitalized relationship? The main symptom is apathy. How does this show up in your life, partnerships, work, or relationship with yourself? This month ahead, carefully interrogate any devitalized (dis)connections that are in your life right now. How did you get here? What kinds of changes do you need to implement to transform this potentially growth-reducing presence in your life?
Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
What a joy it is to be independent and do your own thing. To be your own person. But have you also ever felt the enthusiasm and anxiety-like excitement of collaborating with people who inspire you? The kinds of people who move through the world in ways that contradict how you flow? But somehow, you feel compelled to learn their ways? Cultivate this curiosity this month, dear Aquarius. There are infinite possibilities of being who you are. Identity does not have to be rigid or permanent.
Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.
Feb. 19-March 20
Adrienne Maree Brown, author of Pleasure Activism—a book you must read—says that “what we pay attention to grows.” This month, make a list. And no, a mental list does not count. You have to write it down. What practices do you want to expand? What parts of your life do you want/need to give less attention to? The point is, how can you embody a politics of happiness and feeling good (as Brown brilliantly elaborates in the book above)? Make the changes happen. Don’t just imagine them.
Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.
March 21-April 19
Visualize yourself like a precious plant you had to grow from seed. Suppose you were to be responsible for the conditions that support sustaining the life of this seed/you. What kinds of nourishments would you deem essential? Critically think of the literal, political, philosophical and spiritual things you feed yourself. Are you surrounded by enough moisture and warmth to cultivate breath? Take care of your life. Take care of yourself.
Learn more about what it means to be Aries.
April 20-May 20
What do you do routinely every day? No, really, what life practices do you literally repeat day in and day out? Why? What happens when you deviate away from this routine? Do you tend to those practices mindfully? This month, learn the difference between habits that cultivate discipline and feelings of groundedness versus the ones that cause stagnation. Get excited about potential new routines to refresh your daily life.
Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.
May 21-June 21
For the month ahead, make it a point to focus on the foundations that hold you up. Whether that’s a sustainable food routine, a journaling practice, daily coffee or scheduled email time. Don’t neglect the ordinary but supportive and generative details of your life. Cultivate more joy as you do them so you can feel more prepared when facing more significant situations. Give yourself the time to live as well as possible. You deserve it.
Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.
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