Illustration, Kiki Ljung.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
People don’t make sense, and it’s time for you to stop trying to figure them out. Cognitive understanding will not necessarily lead to emotional acceptance. Sometimes you will do better to accept that you don’t understand where the other person is coming from so that you can determine how to best respond. This isn’t the time for convincing others of your point of view or fighting for points. Seek authentic solutions that help you heal hearts, and the mind will follow.
Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.
Feb. 19 – March 20
When it’s disingenuous, it’s not actually kind to yield to others, Pisces. Let go of needing to be the ‘good guy,’ and try to be the realest person you can be instead. It’s scary to show up raw and vulnerable to your relationships, but it also clarifies pretty quickly who you can trust and who’s not suited to your inner circle. Don’t change yourself to find the truth. Let the reality of your relationships sink in so you can collect the data now and figure out what you’re really dealing with, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Pisces.
March 21 – April 19
There’s literally no value in resisting change this week. It’s far better to fail in pursuit of what you truly want than to take the safe and easy route. It’s time to grow, and it’s likely to be scary, even if you’re growing in the exact direction that you want. Take responsibility for the choices you’ve made and the consequences that they bore. If you can track how you got here, you’ll be perfectly equipped to point yourself towards what you value and not just what you want.
Learn more about what it means to be Aries.
April 20 – May 20
Growth and success aren’t meant to be consistent. Don’t begrudge the shadow that your light casts, Taurus. Embrace the ebbs in your flow as the valuable teachers that they are. When you need a break, take one. When it’s time to giddy up, then you need to get up and go. Everything has its season, and this week you are meant to be present enough that you can gauge where your life is at and what it is requiring of you.
Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.
May 21 – June 21
You deserve love, and happiness, and good things, and this is your time to point yourself in the direction of them, Twin Star. Having the best of the good doesn’t mean that you’ll never have to struggle or suffer. This week, your resistance to the work in front of you is doing you no favors. Life is full of compromises, but that doesn’t mean that you’re going in the wrong direction, or worse, nowhere. Clarify what you need to do, and then go ahead and do it, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Gemini.
June 22 – July 22
Good intentions are lovely, but they don’t speak louder than actions. This week’s Eclipse is going to kick up everyone’s feels and create a golden opportunity for you. Enact your limits and your needs instead of reflecting on them. Show people how you want to be treated by not playing when they behave in ways that feel bad to you. It’s time to lead by example, Moonchild, even if it’s scary or you don’t know exactly where you want to end up.
Learn more about what it means to be a Cancer.
July 23 – Aug. 22
There’s so much that’s out of your control. Why bother obsessing on it when you can actually impact so many other parts of your life? This week is all about you getting grounded and getting to work. Instead of worrying over what others are or aren’t feeling or doing, stay centred in your own experience. In this way, you can determine what needs to be said versus what’s better suited to your Dear Diary. Let love transform your relationship to yourself and radiate outward, touching all of your connections too.
Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
There’s strength in yielding. You don’t always have to be actively forging ahead in order to be growing, Virgo. The more time you spend checking in with your Number One this week, the better you’ll be able to respond to what life throws your way. You can succumb to your fears, but you’d do so much better if you would focus on the truth. Get grounded in your body, your physical environment, and this moment in time, and let the answers present themselves in their own time.
Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
Slow down and show up, Libra. You can’t direct what comes next, but you can keep your side of the road clean. Practice the act of love. Be strong and whole in the face of what you fear. Show up when you’d rather hide. Be kind to yourself when you can’t do more than phone it in. Your instincts are trying to talk to you, but restless thinking and relentless worry are getting in your way. Let the resiliency and power of what you care about fill you up and guide you this week.
Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
You need emo clarity about the conditions you want to manifest in your life. It’s not necessary to know every detail of what you want and how you’re going to get it. Illuminate your vision of the life you want to have, Scorpio, and you’ll be giving yourself a huge leg up. Where you’re at is not evidence of where you’ll be in the future – it’s evidence of your past. You have agency. The best way to use it this week is by working on your emotional intelligence, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Looking for who to blame to make yourself feel better is like taking a long stroll off a short pier – foolish. This week, it doesn’t matter how you got here as much as it does what you’re going to do about it. Anything worth having is a risk, and all you need to do is take on the right kinds of risks. Extra points if you attempt to set goals that are rooted in a realistic assessment of who you are and where you’re at rather than those spun from a fantasy.
Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
It’s time to take some damn risks, Capricorn. You’re just about ready to open up and let in a new adventure. There’s only one thing standing in your way; it’s you. Release your attachments to the past. That doesn’t mean that you should ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist, but it’s time to stop seeking evidence of back-in-the-day you, and focus instead on you in the here and now. You’ve done the work and you’re ready for something new, so lay your burden down, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.
It's early in the the year, so there is still time to check out your 2018 look-ahead horoscope here.
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