This month is extra special because we have two major eclipses happening. The first one is a New Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th, and the next is a full Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st. Get ready: this will trigger intense emotions in everyone. Check out your monthly horoscope below to find out more.
July 23 – Aug. 22
The Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 21st ain’t no joke, Leo. And just for fun it comes after a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign on the 7th, and while Mercury is retrograde. It’s time to tap into that Leo courage and do some serious soul searching. What you do ends up being the sum of your parts and if it’s not a true reflection of who you feel you are, that’s on you. Understanding how you got here is important, but it doesn’t empower you to act out. Do your very best this month.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Your ruling planet goes retrograde on the 12th of this month, making August an important time to review and reassess things, but not so much one for kicking off a new enterprise. At the same time we have two big-deal eclipses to contend with, the first is a Lunar Eclipse on the 7th, and the next one is a Solar Eclipse on the 21st. Expect your inner world to be hit, creating intense emotion seemingly out of nowhere. Adjust your lifestyle to support your mental health if you can, because this can be a time of great healing.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
This month you may feel like you’ve got an itch in your mind that you can’t quite scratch, especially after the 12th when Mercury goes retrograde. Emotions are running high all month as we have a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th, a Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st. The people that you love, either personally, or in a global sense, need you to show all the way up. Reflect on whether you’ve been acting with integrity, Libra.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
When it comes to emotional intensity all the other signs are amateurs compared to you, Scorpio. That said, this month is likely to pull up all kinds of powerful emotions within you, so make space for them in your life to avoid acting out unintentionally. It’s time to get real with yourself about where you’re going and how you intend to get there. Align your hopes with an action plan that reflects your current reality, my love.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Be careful this month or you’ll run into a severe case of foot-in-the-mouth disease and you really don’t have time for that, Sagittarius. This month comes will all kinds of intensity to contend with, as a Lunar Eclipse happens on the 7th, and a Solar Eclipse on the 21st. People’s defenses are likely to be on high so don’t try to heal others. Focus on your own sweet self instead, my love.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Emotions are running high this month, and that’s uncomfortable for you, my love. Instead of trying to fix, or make sense of your deepest thoughts, take this month as a time to be interested in them. It’s time for grand and sweeping changes, and you may have breakthroughs that inspire you, especially around the Lunar Eclipse on the 7th, and the Solar Eclipse on the 21st. It’s time for you to let go and get free, Capricorn.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
It’s a unique and meaningful time, and the winds of change are blowing at your door, Aquarius. This year’s Full Moon in your sign is also a Lunar Eclipse, so you can expect this to be a huge deal for you. The unknown is whether it will feel like a graceful release or like you’re forced to play your hand. Either way, this month’s lunar activity, especially the Solar Eclipse in your relationship house on the 21st , is going to require you to be vigorously honest to yourself (and others) and to follow through on those truths.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.Feb. 19 – March 20
The Full Moon on the 7th is going to kick up major feels this month for you, Pisces, but the date to watch out for is the 21st when the Solar Eclipse happens. Don’t get so caught up in how you wish things were that you forget to work with what’s happening right now. This month will create opportunities for you to be your best or your worst self, so stay present and make the necessary adjustments to your thinking as much as your actions, my love.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.March 21 – April 19
Who you align yourself with says a lot about you, Aries. The Lunar Eclipse on the 7th, and the Solar Eclipse on the 21st are happening to help you heal. The trick is to be mindful about what you work on. Don’t let yourself be goaded into conflicts when emotions run high. Figure out what actually needs to be said and leave the rest alone. Only take on what you can responsibly handle this month.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.April 20 – May 20
The two eclipses this August, the Lunar Eclipse on the 7th, and the Solar Eclipse on the 21st, are gonna hit you where it counts. So here’s a pro tip for making the most of your time and energy this month: focus on what you value, not what’s easiest. Expect your emotions to run high this month, which can kick off the desire to be accommodating when you need to be authentic. Show all the way up for yours and everyone’s best interests, Taurus.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.May 21 –June 21
Instead of wondering what someone else is thinking, it’s time to round up your courage and ask, Twin Star. There two big eclipses this August, the first a Lunar Eclipse on the 7th, and the second, a Solar Eclipse, on the 21st, are going to kick up your relationship issues for you all month. Instead of putting things off you’ll do best to jump right in. Fear is your number one enemy, so you need to be brave as you face some hard facts.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung.June 22 – July 22
This month your ruling planet, the Moon, is working overtime, so get ready to feel all the feels, Moonchild. We have two eclipses, the first on the 7th and the next on the 21st and they want you to confront something major. You shouldn’t have to explain the things you value — it should be self-explanatory in your choices, actions, and reactions. Think of this month as your time to reset, even if it’s uncomfortable, my love.
Illustration, Kiki Ljung. Leo
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