This week, in our new home video series The Home Primp, we set out to transform a pair of old bookshelves into a beautiful focal point for a bright bedroom.
The challenge: The shelves weren't pretty to look at, and the owners knew it. They had been wanting to replace them for over two years, but never got around to it. The result? A mess of books, magazines, trinkets and miscellaneous objects piled high in mismatched, falling apart shelves.
How we primped it: We culled the books Marie Kondo-style, decked out three white Ikea bookshelves in fun wallpaper and did a complete re-organization to make space for all the great things the owner's had. The result? A room game-changer, with cute storage solutions and all of their favourite books and art on display.
How much we spent: $148.
Watch the full transformation above!
Products we used:
Ikea Billy bookcases
Chasing Paper Speckle wallpaper
Urban Walls Irregular Dots decals
Ikea Tjena box with lid
Baba Souk basket with pompoms
Cactus vase
Minted Sleepy Kitty art print by Tyler Tea
Ikea Harliga glass dome with base
Indigo copper string LED indoor lights
Minted Dance art print in yellow by Paper Dahlia
Justine Ma cacti prints
Christine Flynn palm trees postcard
Kikkerland solar Queen
Indigo My Cinema Lightbox mini
Paperchase gold flying piggy bank
Ikea Rens sheepskin
Wayfair Ivy Bronx Judah arm chair with wooden legs
HomeSense rug
Cambie Design handmade tassels in blue
Sunbathers art print by Stephanie Cheng
LOFT bouquet toss jumpsuit
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