In the words of Neil Young, “the devil fools with the best-laid plan.” You may have a vision for exactly how you want things to go and even how you expect others to feel about it, but it’s wise to prepare for curveballs—mainly in the form of other people and their feelings. If you can slow down your drive to get to the finish line, you will be better prepared to approach your ambitions and other people in more effective ways. Conserve your energy, Aries.
Sometimes conflict is unavoidable. This week may find you obsessing on things that hurt, or revisiting problems of the past. As the saying goes, “forgiveness is letting go of all hope of a better past.” You don’t need to fix anything this week. Instead, strive to manage your mental health by identifying a constructive focus for your thoughts. If you need to confront something or someone, go in with a clear ask instead of just reciting what's wrong.
Rather than just trying to figure out what to say, your biggest priority this week should be finding the truth. If you allow your circumstances to overwhelm you, you run the risk of abandoning yourself in your own thinking. Be honest about what you do and don’t know, Twin Star, and be sure to consider your long-term best interest, not only what will make you comfortable in the here and now.
Don’t get twisted up in knots trying to figure out how you got here. Instead, accept it, and try to determine what you’re going to do about it. If you waste your energy looking to point blame, it may be like scratching an itch: it’s satisfying in the moment, but it won’t change anything. What you really need is the truth, Moonchild. Once you’re clear about that, you can assess your options and make good choices from there.
It’s not just what you do, it’s the way you do it. This week, you may need to let go of something or someone—and it’s bound to be uncomfortable. When you feel like you can't take any more, don't throw up your arms in frustration and give up; instead, release your attachment to whatever is not serving you. Change is inevitable, but where it takes you in life is in your hands. Strive to take a kind, patient, and empathetic approach to how you engage with difficulties this week, Leo.
As you move through some intense inner terrain, you'll need to have a strong sense of self, Virgo. If you don’t, this is an important time to try to locate your will within your situation—that’s what you choose to do and why you choose to do it. You may not love your options this week, but when you align with your agency, not only will you feel better, but you’re likely to be more productive.
In the words of Emelyne Museaux, “There’s a difference between self-care and self-indulgence. There’s a difference between rest and avoidance. There’s a difference between protecting yourself and limiting yourself.” You have a lot going on, and it may feel hard to keep up this week. Do your best to not get scattered, but instead organize your energy in deference to what’s most important to you, Libra.
This is a fertile time for investing in what sparks joy within you or improves the world around you, Scorpio. If you don’t do this, you are likely to find yourself in a reactive state that is pretty defensive. If things go in that direction, you may kick up opposition to your goals. If power struggles emerge this week, you may need to engage, but you don’t have to play the game. Act with integrity, especially when all you want to do is act out.
The Neptune-Jupiter conjunction this week is an opportunity for you to clarify your boundaries. You’re likely to be feeling sad about something and anxious about what will come next. As intimidating or frustrating as this may feel, it’s an opportunity for you to get clear about what does and does not work for you and to set some much-needed limits. Don’t compare your progress to other people's or to where you think you “should” be. Accept where you’re at, and mobilize from there.
This may sound counterintuitive to you, but the most productive thing you can do is nurture your progress, not power through. Your fears may get in the way of you seeing things clearly this week, and that would be a missed opportunity. Resist the urge to grasp too tightly onto what isn’t working or isn’t serving you. You may need to let go or sit with what you don’t know, and as uncomfortable as that gets, lean into it, Capricorn.
This is a valuable time for considering the role of attachments in your life. You may be committed to something or someone that you feel is holding you down this week. In that case, it's more productive to consider your own commitments, needs, and emotional reactions than to fixate on the person or thing that you feel is limiting you. Strive to be decisive about what works for you, and then own your part in dynamics as you navigate creating more freedom in your life.
Your ruling planet is involved in an important conjunction in your sign this week. This is a powerful time for you to explore your dreams, cultivate a vision for the future, and do spiritual work. The key is to do these things without attachment. The journey is the point, and there is no value in being puritanical about your progress. Be interested in the potential inherent in the world around you. How can you be a part of the process, Pisces?
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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.