
Work out smarter with these 12 winning exercises

Stuck in a gym rut? It's not you - it's your moves! We put the most popular exercises head to head to find out which winners tone it all. Get ready to sculpt more muscle, blast more calories and score your best body yet
By Alanna Glassman; Consulting trainer Sammie Kennedy; Illustrations by Julia Schwarz
Work out smarter with these 12 winning exercises

Julia Schwarz


Way smarter: Triceps push-ups

The push-up wins this round: It has a higher level of difficulty and utilizes more muscle groups. Plus, it's safer than the overhead extension, which puts elbow joints and wrists at risk for injury.

Tricep exercisesJulia Schwarz


Way smarter: Close-grip pull-ups

The close-grip pull-up simultaneously strengthens your back, forearms, biceps and shoulders, whereas biceps curls work only, well, your biceps.

BicepsJulia Schwarz

Upper body

Way smarter: Push-ups

Hands down, the push-up reigns supreme. The bench press puts stress on your wrists, while the push-up forces you to engage the muscles from your shoulders to your calves. Plus, you can progressively challenge yourself. Begin on your knees, work your way up to the toes and even try the one-legged version.

Push-ups vs. Bench pressesJulia Schwarz

Lower abs

Way smarter: Straight-leg reverse crunches

Leg lifts can place too much pressure on the lower back. But reverse crunches force you to control and flex your glutes and work transverse abdominal muscles (beneath your surface abs). You're also less likely to stress injury-prone hip flexors.

Lower abs workoutJulia Schwarz

Lower body

Way smarter: Squats

We love the squat! It's the do-anywhere exercise that uses gravity and your body weight to work the hips, core, quads and glutes. The leg press loses this round because it's not a move you can do naturally, so it puts your knee and hip joints at risk for injury.

Squats, Lower body exercisesJulia Schwarz


Way smarter: Arnold presses

The press targets all three deltoid muscles and fine-tunes the smaller ones in between for sleek, sexy shoulders. The raise just doesn't work your shoulders in as much detail.

Shoulder exercisesJulia Schwarz

Lower body

Way smarter: Lunges

Step-ups can add additional impact on the knees. The lunge allows for more control (that means less potential for injury) and variety (try the basic lunge or a dynamic walking lunge). You're in charge of how far forward and how deep you go.

Lunges vs. Step-upsJulia Schwarz


Way smarter: Planks

The quickest way to washboard abs involves tightening belly muscles and drawing in your waist. Unlike crunches, which target only surface abs, planks work your entire core. And they're safer: Endless crunches put pressure on the discs in your spine. And planks are faster, too!

Planks vs. CrunchesJulia Schwarz

Total body

Way smarter: Burpees

Burpees are the go-to moves of most fitness trainers for head-to-toe toning because they work the core, glutes and major muscles in your arms and legs. They improve hip flexibility and torch more calories in less time (and with less effort!).

Burpees, total body exercisesJulia Schwarz

Lower body

Way smarter: Hip raises

Hip raises isolate both glutes at the same time. That means fewer reps but greater body benefits than one-sided fire hydrants. Hip raises also stabilize core muscle and improve hip flexibility, making them the perfect exercise to counter a desk job.

Lower body exercisesJulia Schwarz

Total body

Way smarter: Stance jacks

A stance jack is one of the more efficient ways to burn calories and tone your core, arms and legs. Because it's a controlled movement, it doesn't let you get sloppy when you add more reps.

Total body workout, jumping jacksJulia Schwarz


Way smarter: Taking the stairs

Little cheats on the elliptical, like holding the handlebars, mean you burn fewer calories. Going up the stairs quickly offers higher caloric burn and gets your heart pumping faster. It's usually better to use your own body weight (not a machine) to get moving.

Click here for three exercise tips from Booty Camp Fitness owner Sammie Kennedy.

What's your favourite move to blast calories at the gym?

Taking the stairs vs. Elliptical machineJulia Schwarz


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