
Three foolproof ways to walk more this year

How a pedometer is proven to increase your number of steps.
By Dominique Lamberton
Three foolproof ways to walk more this year

Want to fast-track your fitness? Clip on a pedometer. Researchers say it's a foolproof way to get moving. A study in the Annals of Family Medicine found weekly walking times nearly doubled (!) when people strapped on a counter because pedometers promote accountability and let you track your progress throughout the day.

Step lively: Aim for 10,000 steps a day and you could lose up to a pound a week! We love these super-cute options.

Three foolproof ways to walk more this year

Fitbit Ultra Wireless Tracker: This multi-tasker also logs your sleep patterns! $100, Fitbit.

Three foolproof ways to walk more this year

Mio Step 4 Pedometer: Stay on track with a built-in body-fat analyzer. $25, Mio Global.

Three foolproof ways to walk more this year

Tractivity: Sync daily steps on your own personal web page. From $30, Tractivity Online.


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