
Four arm exercises to get you toned in time for summer

Sculpt sleek biceps, triceps and a tight tummy with our yoga-inspired moves. Just pair weights and stretches for the ultimate muscle-toning combo.
Four arm exercises to get you toned in time for summer

Photo, Aniya Nandy for

10 minute workout - arms

1. Tree pose and curl

Holding both weights in left hand, press left foot into floor and slowly raise right knee to place sole of right foot against left inner thigh or calf. Grab 1 weight with right hand. Holding pose, do 10 bicep curls. Switch feet. Repeat.

Perfect your form:
Avoid placing foot on knee. Engage core to stay balanced.

Dial it down: Ditch the hand weights.

Amp it up: Increase reps and try placing foot higher. 

Tree-Pose-and-CurlPhoto, Roberto Caruso.

2. Plank plus arm lifts

Start in plank with shoulders stacked above wrists. Keeping belly button pulled up toward spine, raise right arm straight out in front of you, parallel to floor. Return to start and repeat with left arm. Do 20 reps on each side.

Perfect your form: Keep hips parallel to floor (no dipping!) and try to move only your arms.

Dial it down: Perform the move from your knees.

Amp it up: Add weights.

Plank-plus-Arm-LiftsPhoto, Roberto Caruso.

3. Warrior raise

Step legs wide, aligning front heel with arch of back foot. Bend front knee, keeping back leg straight, to come into warrior lunge. With arms at sides, sink deeper into lunge. Lift arms overhead slowly and lower again. Do 10 reps. Switch legs. Repeat.

Perfect your form: Keep hips square to the front and back straight.

Dial it down: Don’t sink as far into your lunge.

Amp it up: Add weights.

Warrior-RaisePhoto, Roberto Caruso.

4. Warrior 3 curl

Stand with weights in hands, feet hip-width apart. Hinge forward and bring 1 leg up behind you as high as you can. Engage core and curl weights to shoulders. Do 10 curls. Switch legs. Repeat.

Perfect your form: Ground standing leg by flexing quad muscle. Avoid bending wrists.

Dial it down: Ditch the hand weights.

Amp it up: Bend standing leg about 45 degrees while doing the bicep curl. Straighten leg as you lower weight.

For more great 10-minute workouts click here.

Warrior-3-CurlPhoto, Roberto Caruso.


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