
Your Weekly Horoscope: November 1–7, 2023

You don’t need an answer right away as much as you need the right answer.
An illustration of a pink scorpion wearing sunglasses and holding a heart-shaped lollipop. The Scorpio symbol is on it's front arm like a tattoo. it's other arm and legs have symbol tattoos as well like a star, moon, flower and snake. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re likely to be feeling pretty overwhelmed or even burnt out this week. It doesn’t help that the people around you are also going through it in a major way. The best way to cope is by spending some time alone and identifying and tending to your emotions. If you don’t, you’re likely to find yourself unintentionally engaging in power struggles and other messy situations. Confront your emotions head on, Scorpio.

An illustration of a bow and arrow with a flaming tip. the arrowhead has the Sagittarius symbol on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There’s so much that is out of your control, as it should be, but this week, it’s likely to feel anywhere from chaotic to downright threatening. Do your most to get and stay grounded, Sagittarius. This may require that you slow down, centre your energy, and then get intentional about how you wish to participate in the world around you. Keep in mind that your interior landscape is the foundation upon which all of your actions can (or cannot) be sustained. Centre your priorities from the inside out.

An illustration of a goat with a green mermaid tail. The goat is sticking out its tongue and wearing a medallion around its neck. the medallino has the Capricorn symbol on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are going through a deep transformation, and in many ways, the details of it are not yet clear. Part of your challenge is to sit with uncertainty. This means that you are being called to both tend to your reactions to the unknown and unknowable and also sit with your feelings until you can determine the best path forward. This is not easy for a Capricorn! You don’t need an answer right away as much as you need the right answer. Stay present and allow it to reveal itself in its right time.

An illustration of two swans sitting in two large vases that have the Aquarius symbol on them. The swans have water falling out of their beaks. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week, you are likely to be feeling pretty anxious and uncertain of which of your many instincts to trust. The key is to allow yourself to feel the vulnerability that accompanies this without rushing towards distractions or fixes. Sometimes you just need to feel your feelings and not really do anything about them. Prioritize the maintenance of your emotional wellbeing, as it is the foundation for the choices you need to make. It's also what motivates the actions that you take next.

An illustration of two goldfish swimming around in a circle. the goldfish are wearing small party hats with pink and blue squiggly stripes and a gold star at the tip. In between the fish is the symbol for Pisces. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Feb. 19-March 20

This week, it’s important to think about the foundations that you have and the ones that you’re building. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard and are running on empty, then you are unlikely to be able to sustain your efforts, no matter how passionate you are. Take time for reflection, and consider or reconsider your approach to the things that matter most to you. You don’t need to know what the outcome will be in order to choose the right path, Pisces.

An illustration of a pink ram head wearing sunglasses. The symbol for Aries is shown on a star beneath the ram's head above two crossed swords (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


March 21-April 19

You’re likely to be feeling pretty frustrated this week as things are not going quite according to plan. Your assignment, whether or not you choose to accept it, is to learn from past mistakes and show up in the here and now with empathy, patience, and clarity of intention. In order to do this, you likely will need to spend some time sitting with your impulses and reflecting on their merit in the present moment.

An illustration of a bull wearing blue cowboy boots on all four feet. It's alsoo wearing a yellow cowboy hat that has the symbol for Taurus on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


April 20-May 20

You may be feeling really restless this week and like you need to let it all out, but this is not likely to be the smartest move, Taurus. Before you do anything rash, ask yourself, how will this promote peace and equilibrium in my life or the world around me? And then ask yourself, how will this advance my goals and ambitions? This will help you to act in ways that support your actual goals and avoid power struggles and pettiness this week.

An illustration of a pair of cherries connected at the stem. One cherry has a smiley face and the other has a sad face. On the tip of the stem, there's a pair of leaves and a small gemini symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


May 21-June 21

This week, it’s wise for you to spring into action. It’s time for you to take well-considered risks and embody your beliefs, even if that means taking leaps of faith that have unknowable results. Any mistakes that you make in efforts to be true to yourself are well worth it. Stand up for what you believe in, and go for gold, no matter how much of a long shot it feels like, Twin Star.

An illustration of a hermit crab with a pink shell. The hermit crab has a tear falling from their eye and is holding a flower who also has a frowny face on it. The cancer symbol is shown in circles above and below the crab. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


June 22-July 22

Your capacity for empathy is your superpower, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Tend to your tender heart this week, Moonchild, as not only will it help you feel better, but it will also empower you to locate the most efficient ways to navigate the complex dynamics that you find yourself in. Do your best to avoid getting bogged down in defenses and pettiness, and instead focus on the big picture of what you feel and need and have to offer.

An illustration of a cat wearing a red bow around its neck and looking into a hand mirror with sparkles in their eyes. At the top of the mirror is a small Leo symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


July 23-Aug. 22

This week, it’s important that you reach deep within and find your internal resources of strength. It would be easy to allow your ego or pride to drive you, but if you do that, it won't make you feel better nor will it help you get what you want. Do your best to act in ways that reflect what’s true for you and what you believe in. Resist the urge to let your strongest and most pressing feelings drive you, Leo.

An illustration of a burning heart being stabbed by six swords. in the middle of the heart is the Virgo symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The truth is an objective, verifiable thing. But can there also be multiple truths at once? Who gets to define the truth, and by what standards? This week will call for critical thinking, which luckily, you are good at when you step away from judgments and perfectionism. Be willing to explore what is and how it came to be, and be discerning in this search. This will not only bring you closer to the truth, but it will also help you to feel more right with yourself, Virgo.

An illustration of balance scales. each bowl has the symbol for Libra on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This week, you’re likely to find yourself in a state that is hard to manage. You are so stressed that it’s confusing to know which of your many (and often conflicting) hot takes you should be centring. Do your best to get grounded, and from that place, reflect on recent events and your options for coping with them. This will empower you to have faith in yourself as you navigate challenging circumstances and emotions, Libra.



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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.
