A young man from Hong Kong has smuggled himself into Canada using an elaborate disguise, and now authorities are questioning why he wasn't spotted by airport security. Photos published by CNN show the passenger boarding a Canada-bound flight in Hong Kong as an old caucasian man, and deplaning in Vancouver as a young Asian fellow. The man was detained and his prosthetic old-man face confiscated, but now Canada's Defence Minister Peter McKay is asking questions, namely, did no one notice his supple young-man hands? (Answer: yes.)
Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton have successfully made human blood from human skin cells. The process does not require the skin stem cells to be converted into general all-purpose stem cells before making the leap to blood cells, apparently a major breakthrough. The discovery was announced in the latest issue of the journal Nature, and could mean that one day patients who require regular transfusions could be assured a regular supply of their own blood. Made from skin. File this under creepy but awesome.
It's been far too long since we've had the pleasure of watching a sitting President of the United States really get down and funky. Thankfully President Obama and his lady-friend Michelle remedied the situation during a much publicized visit to India this weekend. It's always nice to see a bunch of tiny adorable children show the leader of the free world how to shake a tail. Also reassuring: we now know that Michelle would destroy Barack in a dance-off. Girl power.
Facebook just got classier. Starting today, you can “like” Queen Elizabeth II on her very own Facebook page. Don't get too excited, though: there will be no friending of her royal highness as she doesn't have an actually personal profile, and poking is absolutely out of the question. This is just the latest effort to bring Buckingham Palace into ye old digital age: the family has a Flickr photo-sharing page, and @BritishMonarchy has 70,000 followers on Twitter.
Speaking of Facebook, a recent study examined the site's impact on the minds of teenage girls, and it turns out it's not all bad (but a lot of it is). While 68 percent said they had been bullied or gossiped about on Facebook, 56 percent said it helped them feel closer and more connected with their friends, and 30 percent said it improved their relationships. Also interesting is how girls choose to represent themselves: 74 percent said other girls made themselves look cooler online, while 41 percent said they did the same thing themselves.
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