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Your Weekly Horoscope: September 13 – 19, 2023

Carve out some space to be emotionally present and to consider what you’re doing, how it is or isn’t serving you, and what changes need to occur—if any.
An illustration of a burning heart being stabbed by six swords. in the middle of the heart is the Virgo symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This week’s new moon in your sign is an excellent opportunity to get yourself on track. Carve out some space to be emotionally present and to consider what you’re doing, how it is or isn’t serving you, and what changes need to occur—if any. Allow yourself to explore without condemning or judging. This is the path that will lead you to comfort and satisfaction, dear Virgo.

An illustration of balance scales. each bowl has the symbol for Libra on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your relationships need some attention this week, and it’s bound to be a bit uncomfortable. Consider the big-picture needs of your personal connections without getting too tripped up by the little things. If you have conflict or upset, it’s easy to jump directly to point blame. It’s more effective, however, to collaborate with your loved one; identify the problem, and then come up with a solution. Don’t rush situations that need TLC this week, Libra.

An illustration of a pink scorpion wearing sunglasses and holding a heart-shaped lollipop. The Scorpio symbol is on it's front arm like a tattoo. it's other arm and legs have symbol tattoos as well like a star, moon, flower and snake. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

When you don’t spend enough quality time alone with yourself, it’s easy to get so overwhelmed by other people's energies and perspectives that you lose track of your own, Scorpio. This week, it’s wise to slow down and tend to your inner world, even if that's super uncomfortable. You have decisions to make, big and small, and if you do so while you’re disconnected from yourself, you’re unlikely to be happy with the results.

An illustration of a bow and arrow with a flaming tip. the arrowhead has the Sagittarius symbol on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The best way to move the needle is by taking a very real pause. Slow down, gather your energy, and tend to the very basics of your life, Sagittarius. You are on the verge of pushing yourself too hard and experiencing burnout or pushing people or circumstances away from you. Remember that you need community and support, but don’t underestimate the value of quietude and getting in alignment with yourself this week.

An illustration of a goat with a green mermaid tail. The goat is sticking out its tongue and wearing a medallion around its neck. the medallino has the Capricorn symbol on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

If you fixate on how you got here, you’re focused on yesterday instead of today. This week isn’t the time for sorting through past events. Instead, find acceptance of what is in the here and now. You can nurture the seeds of today into the glorious, fruit-bearing trees of tomorrow. Cultivating presence, clarity, and patience is the best way to heal the past and co-create the future you want to live, Capricorn.

An illustration of two swans sitting in two large vases that have the Aquarius symbol on them. The swans have water falling out of their beaks. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The best way to take control of your life is by loosening your grip. It’s important that you approach things this week with a balance of assertiveness and presence. Truly listen to others, Aquarius. This will empower you to take a collaborative approach to the things that matter most to you, even if that appears to slow things down for a short while. Bolster your individuality by working in collaboration with people and situations that are most important to you.

An illustration of two goldfish swimming around in a circle. the goldfish are wearing small party hats with pink and blue squiggly stripes and a gold star at the tip. In between the fish is the symbol for Pisces. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Feb. 19-March 20

Your ruling planet, Neptune, is getting into some mischief this week. While things might be a little uncomfortable for you, they’re likely to be a lot uncomfortable for other people. Taking on other people's stress and upsets is not a show of solidarity, Pisces. Do your best to show empathy and care for others while maintaining your autonomy. You don’t need to share an experience in order to care about somebody else’s.

An illustration of a pink ram head wearing sunglasses. The symbol for Aries is shown on a star beneath the ram's head above two crossed swords (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


March 21-April 19

You may be dealing with frustration or disappointment this week, and the healthiest thing you can do is let yourself be sad about it. Don't lose precious energy and time being mad. We all have emotions that we are more comfortable with than others, and agitation or anger is easier for you. Allow yourself to get at the root of what you’re feeling so that you can bring comfort and healing where it’s needed.

An illustration of a bull wearing blue cowboy boots on all four feet. It's alsoo wearing a yellow cowboy hat that has the symbol for Taurus on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


April 20-May 20

You may be tempted to give up in the presence of frustrations and upsets, but that’s not the best move for you, Taurus. Strive to understand the difference between how you feel in a situation and the mechanics of it. You may be emotionally distraught over a somewhat predictable development that is simply part of a process (albeit an unpleasant part). Honour your emotions without making any dramatic moves this week.

An illustration of a pair of cherries connected at the stem. One cherry has a smiley face and the other has a sad face. On the tip of the stem, there's a pair of leaves and a small gemini symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


May 21-June 21

You’ve gotta let go to hold on, Twin Star. If you hold on to the past (or even something in your present) too tightly, it will lead to anxiety and limit your perception of your options. Have faith in your ability to show up and cope with situations—even if they’re hard. Just because you don’t have evidence yet doesn’t mean you're not moving in the right direction. Confront your fears one step at a time this week.

An illustration of a hermit crab with a pink shell. The hermit crab has a tear falling from their eye and is holding a flower who also has a frowny face on it. The cancer symbol is shown in circles above and below the crab. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


June 22-July 22

Having clear boundaries with yourself and others is key to having healthy relationships. The problem is that many people stop listening after they hear a no. Whether you’re asserting boundaries or you're on the receiving end of them this week, it’s important to be adaptable and open to change, Moonchild. As we evolve, so do our boundaries. Allow space for discomfort on the path to much-needed transformation.

An illustration of a cat wearing a red bow around its neck and looking into a hand mirror with sparkles in their eyes. At the top of the mirror is a small Leo symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


July 23-Aug. 22

Love and kindness shouldn’t cost you your peace of mind. This week, you may find yourself in situations that on the surface seem really lovely, yet somehow leave you feeling uneasy. Strive to understand the difference between niceness and kindness, and that between attention and care. You deserve to have love and joy in your life. To quote Pink Floyd, don’t trade "a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage.”



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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.

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