The solar eclipse in your sign on the 14th is kicking up all the feels! This is a bad time to get engaged in power struggles or allow your pride to direct you, Libra. The truth is that you are likely to be overwhelmed with emotion. That is hard to stay present with, but unfortunately, that’s the assignment. Show up and be honest with yourself (and when appropriate, with others too) about how you’re feeling, how you’re holding it, and the best ways to engage from there.
The solar eclipse on the 14th is lighting up some deep emotions for you. The key here is to let go of control and stay present for whatever comes up. This may be a time when you have aha moments or things come together for you in your thinking, but it’s not a good time to make any major changes. Do your best to keep your energy directed through words, and prioritize your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, Scorpio.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)Things may feel really overwhelming and big right now, and the best way to handle that is by slowing down and identifying the seeds you wish to cultivate, Sagittarius. The solar eclipse on October 14th is stirring the emotional pot for you and everyone you’re engaging with. Because of this, things may be feeling chaotic, and honestly, the best way for you to engage is by leading with your heart instead of your head.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)The solar eclipse on October 14th is meant to trigger some big-picture syncing within you, Capricorn. You may be experiencing big feelings around the direction of your life and your own ability to grow in ways that will bring you happiness. Take the time to reflect on what you want and your underlying motivations for wanting those things. If you are not being driven by your values, even success won’t feel good when it's achieved.
You may be feeling anxious this week as the energies of the October 14th eclipse trigger the need to understand the truth within you, Aquarius. The key is to allow yourself to sit with the discomfort of ambiguity and nuance, even when what you would ideally prefer is simple and empirical information. To get to the real truth, you need to take heart. Don’t abandon empathy and your own humanity as you sort through the data and figure out what’s what.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)The solar eclipse on the 14th is meant to kick up some major emotions within you, and the best way to engage with them is by identifying, cultivating, and maintaining your boundaries. Don't waste your energy on things that activate your defenses but aren’t really important to you. Centre your attention and care on the things, issues, and relationships that matter most. This will preserve your equilibrium and protect your precious energy, Pisces.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)The October 14th solar eclipse is illuminating how you show up in your relationships—both with others and with yourself. You are likely to feel triggered, and that may lead you to act in ways that trigger others. While that’s not fun, it is okay! Whatever drama or conflict emerges this week points you towards what needs your care and attention. Do your best to show up with empathy and patience, my fiery friend.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)The chaotic energy of October 14th's solar eclipse has got you distracted. This isn’t the time for securing answers or tidy closure. Instead, strive to get grounded into the material world in ways that reflect what you value. In other words, prioritize your health and environment. But don’t be in such a rush to make things stable that you miss out on exploring the contents of this wild-but-fertile energy, dear Taurus.
The October 14th eclipse has got you feeling restless and distracted. Direct your energies with words, Twin Star. Do your best to find a sense of equilibrium within yourself by aligning with what’s most important and true to you. You can’t control your circumstances or what other people will or won’t do—nor should you even try. All you can do is strive to be in alignment with yourself as you continue to keep showing up and doing your best.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)The solar eclipse on the 14th, happening in your 4th house, is likely to kick up some major issues in your home and innermost personal life. You may be feeling easily overwhelmed and like there’s no clear path forward. Remember that eclipses are not a time for action—they are a time for reflection as big emotions make their way through your life. Give yourself the grace of slowing down and allowing your own reactions as well as the circumstances of your life to reveal themselves to you.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)You are moving through deep and complex emotional terrain this week, and we can thank the October 14th solar eclipse for that. You may feel that your relationships are pressing on you, and you may be unsure of the best way to respond. Sometimes, the best response is no response. If you don’t know what is true for you in the moment, you’re allowed to communicate your uncertainty or simply hold off on responding. Staying in alignment is more important than proving yourself, Leo.
(Illustration: Sacha Stephan)It’s time to shed parts of yourself that you have been outgrowing, Virgo. The solar eclipse on the 14th is meant to trigger big emotions that ultimately put you in greater accord with your values. The key is to trust your intuition and not allow perfectionism, habit, or obligation to distance you from your core principles and beliefs. Don’t just speak your truth this week—embody it.
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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.