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Your Weekly Horoscope: August 9 - 15, 2023

As valuable as other people’s opinions are, sometimes you need to stop taking in data, and just sit with your own truth and all that you’ve learned. And then make a choice. 
An illustration of a cat wearing a red bow around its neck and looking into a hand mirror with sparkles in their eyes. At the top of the mirror is a small Leo symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


July 23-Aug. 22

As paradoxical as it sounds, if you release control and attachment, the more control you will actually feel. This is because control is ultimately an illusion. It may make you feel safe in the short term, but it can come at the expense of your long term peace. Strive to be emotionally present and responsible to whatever comes up for you. As simple as that sounds, it’s all you need to do this week, Leo.

An illustration of a burning heart being stabbed by six swords. in the middle of the heart is the Virgo symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

As valuable as other people’s opinions are, sometimes you need to stop taking in data, and just sit with your own truth and all that you’ve learned. And then make a choice. This week you may feel hesitant to trust yourself, or you may be caught up in comparing yourself to other people. Don’t waste your precious energy! Do what you need to do to quiet external noise, and just trust yourself, Virgo.

An illustration of balance scales. each bowl has the symbol for Libra on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The most direct path is not always the best one. Your logical mind may tell you that the way forward should be simple, but the heart knows that straight lines are not always the way. Stay present with your emotions this week, Libra. They may take you down a more winding path, but it’s where you’re going anyways. Strive to be honest with yourself and others about where you’re at so that you can mobilize with presence instead of rushing towards answers.

An illustration of a pink scorpion wearing sunglasses and holding a heart-shaped lollipop. The Scorpio symbol is on it's front arm like a tattoo. it's other arm and legs have symbol tattoos as well like a star, moon, flower and snake. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Many people believe that boundaries are about saying no, but they're actually about establishing clarity around what you can and can’t do in a healthy way. This week, the most important thing is to identify exactly that. It’s not only an act of self care, but it's also a way for you to invest in the long-term success of all of your relationships. Showing up for yourself and others is a practice that you don’t need to get perfect, but one that does require your ongoing commitment.

An illustration of a bow and arrow with a flaming tip. the arrowhead has the Sagittarius symbol on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, you're right on time, Sagittarius! The tempo of events is running high, and if you try to meet it, you’re likely to feel burnt out pretty quickly. You are being tested around how well you know yourself—and your corresponding ability to pace yourself psychologically, emotionally, and physically through whatever you’re doing. The more willing and able you are to let go of control and sit in stillness, the easier life will be for you this week.

An illustration of a goat with a green mermaid tail. The goat is sticking out its tongue and wearing a medallion around its neck. the medallino has the Capricorn symbol on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You’re changing, and as you do, you’re going to have to deal with your self-esteem and ego, Capricorn. Whether your tendency is that your ego is too big or too small, it’s time for you to do a system update. We all know that you can cope with reality, but can you trust yourself to be the narrator of what is true for you? The answer to that requires that you have a well-adjusted relationship to self-worth. Work on things from the inside out this week.

An illustration of two swans sitting in two large vases that have the Aquarius symbol on them. The swans have water falling out of their beaks. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

There are so many possibilities that it's hard to pick one and bring your all to it. This week, your capacity to see multiple pathways can devolve in to anxiety if you’re not careful. The best thing that you can do is practice having healthy boundaries within your own thinking. Stay present with whatever is most heartfelt for you, and trust in your ability to plan for a future that is better than where you are now, Aquarius.

An illustration of two goldfish swimming around in a circle. the goldfish are wearing small party hats with pink and blue squiggly stripes and a gold star at the tip. In between the fish is the symbol for Pisces. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


Feb. 19-March 20

You have a beautiful capacity for exploring and expanding in ways that take imagination, and that is a beautiful thing. This week, it’s important that you challenge yourself to think about what’s possible without losing track of where you’re starting from and how your own change impacts the people close to you. As you reach for the best of what's possible in the future, tend to the realities of all that is in the present, Pisces.

An illustration of a pink ram head wearing sunglasses. The symbol for Aries is shown on a star beneath the ram's head above two crossed swords (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


March 21-April 19

Things may not be as you wish they were—but that doesn’t mean that they’re bad. If you can get out of your own way enough to see what is working, you'll be better equipped to handle what isn’t. You can’t control other people, circumstances, and so many other things. What you can control is how you choose to hold and respond to those things. Prioritize what you have agency over, and do it in a healthy way this week, Aries.

An illustration of a bull wearing blue cowboy boots on all four feet. It's alsoo wearing a yellow cowboy hat that has the symbol for Taurus on it. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


April 20-May 20

There’s a lot of nervy energy in the world this week, and it may have you feeling distracted or anxious. As frustrating as that might be, there is some good that can come from it. This is a good time for change, Taurus. Be open to having your circumstances inspire you to revise or redesign. Explore opportunities and options that you’ve been previously closed off to. Instead of fighting to keep things the same, work with the energy in your life.

An illustration of a pair of cherries connected at the stem. One cherry has a smiley face and the other has a sad face. On the tip of the stem, there's a pair of leaves and a small gemini symbol (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


May 21-June 21

We humans have a terrible habit of recoiling from challenging situations and upsetting emotions, but this week it is the very things that hurt your feelings that most need your attention and care. Do your best to get grounded in the here and now so that you can be present for what isn’t working. Assess what’s most important to you within these challenges and how it's most appropriate to engage. Focus less on getting the answers and more on clarifying the questions this week.

An illustration of a hermit crab with a pink shell. The hermit crab has a tear falling from their eye and is holding a flower who also has a frowny face on it. The cancer symbol is shown in circles above and below the crab. (Illustration: Sacha Stephan)


June 22-July 22

Don’t let your anxieties stop you from doing what you feel is right. This week, you may be feeling sad, upset, or even defensive, and that can put you in a reactionary place. Do your best to align with your own agency so that you can act in ways that reflect what’s true for you. This will serve you much better than defending against (real or imagined!) pressure from others. If you’ve got to make a choice, be the tortoise and not the hare, Moonchild.



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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.

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