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The health benefits of popcorn

Great news for snack lovers: Not only is popcorn one of the highest-fibre-per-calorie foods, but new research shows this superfood is bursting with good for you antioxidants.
By Dominique Lamberton
Bowl of popcorn Photo by Getty Images

Great news for snack lovers: Not only is popcorn one of the highest-fibre-per-calorie foods, but new research shows this superfood is bursting with good for you antioxidants. The hulls — yes, those bits that get stuck in your teeth — are loaded with polyphenols, the same heart-healthy, cancer-fighting compounds found in dark chocolate and red wine. And of course all that fibre helps control weight and cravings. Zest up air-popped, unsalted varieties with olive oil and a dash of chili powder.


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