
Eight yoga moves to reduce your aches and pains

Soothe even the sorest muscle with self-massaging techniques that are guaranteed to take all your aches away. Jill Miller, creator of Yoga Tune Up, demonstrates the moves
By Photography by Roberto Caruso
Eight yoga moves to reduce your aches and pains

Yoga expert Jill Miller

Poses to soothe pain

Jill Miller, the creator of Yoga Tune Up shows you how to do these eight yoga poses that will help take away aches and muscle pain. All you need are a few tools that will assist you in the techniques.

The tools

Therapy ball: Mimics the hands of a skilled massage therapist

Block: Help you target areas of tension

Strap: Gives you a fuller range of motion

Eight yoga moves to reduce your aches and painsYoga Jill MillerYoga expert Jill Miller

1. Shoulder flossing

Arms and shoulders zone: Holding a strap, raise your right arm and reach your left arm behind you while maintaining tension on the strap. Then rotate arms so your shoulder joint is rolled through its entire range of motion. Do 10 complete rounds. Tip: Grip strap firmly for best stretch

Perfect your form: Don’t bend elbows. Raise and lower shoulder blades to allow full rotation.

Dial it down: Place hands farther apart on the strap.

Amp it up: Try pulling strap apart.

Yoga pose, pain shoulder flossing

2. Anteater

Arms and shoulders zone: Hold a strap behind your back with hands about shoulder-width apart. Plant feet apart wider than the mat, bend both knees slightly and hinge your torso forward as arms drop overhead. Allow your arms to drop as close to the ground as possible. Take 10 to 15 deep breaths, then slowly unroll back to standing.

Perfect your form: Try pulling the strap apart as shoulders melt toward the ground. Keep neck muscles loose.

Dial it down: Place hands farther apart on the strap.

Amp it up: Hold a block instead of a strap and straighten your knees once you’ve folded forward.

This routine helps you identify areas of your body that are overused, underused, misues and terribly abused – and helps you prevent them from becoming catalysts for injury and pain.

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3. Shoulder surfing

Rear shoulder zone: Lying with knees together and over to the right side, place balls in their tote behind your right shoulder blade and place right hand behind your neck. Shift torso from side to side so that the balls create a rolling-pin action along your muscles. Repeat 10 times. Then inhale and straighten your right elbow, stretching your hand away from your body while simultaneously tightening the entire shoulder; return hand to head as you exhale. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides. Tip: Push into balls to increase pressure.

Perfect your form: Make sure your legs are rooted to the floor to keep you anchored.

Dial it down: Rest your head on a block to relieve pressure on your neck.

Amp it up: Use only one free-rolling ball and rest your head on the ground to increase pressure on the ball.

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4. Upper-back bliss-out

Upper back zone: Place the balls on either side of your upper back, a couple of inches from the sides of your neck. Keeping arms straight and backs of hands on the ground, bend knees and lift hips so that your body weight sinks into the balls. Shift your torso from side to side until the balls rub the tension out of your shoulder muscles. Tip: Make sure balls are equal distances from your spine.

Perfect your form:
Coordinate your breathing with the movement, and use the balls to trace the lumps and bumps that you feel in your back.

Dial it down:
Place your hips on a block to decrease the pressure. Move less and breathe more.

Amp it up: Raise your arms toward the sky and fl ow them as if they are seaweed underwater.

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5. Rib rock

Back zone: Place balls vertically along left side of spinal column. Reach left hand across body to grab hold of the right rib cage. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, gently pull your torso and rib cage toward the left. Inhale and return to centre. Repeat for 10 to 15 breaths, then switch sides. Tip: Let your back melt into the balls.

Perfect your form: Move consciously and slowly.

Dial it down: Don’t rock, just stay in place and breathe.

Amp it up: Lift hips and buttocks off the ground slightly.

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6. Low-back loosener

Obliques and low back zone: Place one ball on a block and lie with your left lower back on the ball so it’s above the top of your left hip bone. Tilt your pelvis and legs to the left so the ball tucks into the deep lower-back muscles. Breathe deeply and gently rock on the ball for 20 to 30 breaths, then switch sides. Tip: Use block on its lowest height with one ball on it.

Perfect your form: If you feel sharp pains, you are in too deep and need to dial it down. But if you feel as if your lower back is letting out a silent moan, increase the pressure into the ball by dropping the bottom knee completely to the ground.

Dial it down: Remove the block and practise on the ground.

Amp it up: Try doing a mini side crunch, bending your waist into the ball and then releasing. Do this mini contraction several times, then return to rocking.

Regular exercise alone won't eliminate trigger points and knots – you have to address these congested areas with precision and focus for your body to become more efficient and functional.

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7. Wheel on a roll

Chest, abs and legs zone: Lie with your abdomen on a tightly rolled yoga mat so the pelvis can anchor into the floor. Bend both knees and clasp ankles with hands. Press thighs into the ground and open your chest with 12 deep breaths. Tip: You can also use a foam roller if you don't have two mats.

Perfect your form: Press pubic bone down by contracting your butt muscles. Try to straighten the knees without allowing them to open.

Dial it down: Do one leg at a time, or wrap a strap around both ankles and clasp it instead.

Amp it up: Try to push feet closer together with your arms, but create resistance from the legs to increase the stretch in the chest wall.

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8. Quad roll

Legs zone: Place balls in tote horizon- tally under left thigh a few inches above the knee. Move your shin from side to side, allowing balls to travel across the quads. After 10 to 15 “wipes,” move balls a few inches higher and repeat. Switch sides. Tip: Start with light pressure, increasing intensity only if it feels comfortable.

Perfect your form: Alternate between moving swiftly and slowly.

Dial it down: Lie on the ground instead of on forearms to decrease pressure on the quads.

Amp it up:
Keep the balls in place and simply bend and straighten your knee. Then attempt to crawl forward or backward so the balls roll up and down the thigh while you bend and straighten the knee.

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