
Kind Cycle

<img src="" ><img src="" ><br/><h4>From now until the end of January, make a kindness resolution to do 5 random acts of kindness and help make the world a happier place, one kind act at a time. MAKE A DAY. CHANGE A LIFE.</div></h4><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>JOIN NOW</strong></a> (it’s free!) and $100 will be donated in your name to the <strong>Canadian Women’s Foundation</strong> by the Lise Watier Foundation to support programs across Canada that move women and girls out of poverty, out of violence and into confidence. You could also win $250 in beauty goodies from Lise Watier.

How a random act of kindness changed this woman's life

How a random act of kindness changed this woman's life

It only took a few wrong turns for Jinger Forde to lose her nest egg and her hope for the future. Penniless and alone, she got back on her feet thanks to a random act of kindness. Find out how she made her way off the streets and into the boardroom.

Andrea Karr

7 minutes