
How to wear the tuxedo jacket

Think daytime drama instead of classic black tie with the resurgence of the tuxedo jacket.

How to wear the tuxedo jacket Mango Smoking-Style Suit Jacket

How to wear the tuxedo jacket Zara Tuxedo Collared Blazer

How to wear the tuxedo jacket Gap Ponte Tuxedo Jacket

How to wear the tuxedo jacket Smythe Tuxedo Blazer

What to look for: “I love the menswear trend and tuxedo blazers are one of my favourite ways to indulge,” says Afiya Francisco, fashion expert on The Marilyn Denis Show. “Ever since Yves Saint Laurent’s Le Smoking the tuxedo is one of the hottest ways for women to borrow from the boys.”

How to wear it: “Fitted is the way to go,” says Francisco. “While the look is influenced by menswear, there's no mistaking that this is über feminine.” This is an ideal alternative to your cardigan so look for a form-fitting style that’s as comfortable to wear to your next meeting as it is to don as a cover-up at a formal event.

Accessorize it
: Draw attention to the v-neckline and wear it with a dangling pendant and a basic tee. Amp up the look by leaving your neckline bare and letting your décolletage speak for itself.

Day to night
: The satin trim makes this sophisticated enough to wear with your black skinny jeans and make a night out of it or switch it up and wear it over a longer glam maxi dress (or a shorter sheath for day).

A little hit of style: Try a cropped tuxedo with a floral or print underneath to balance out this formal look.

Tuxedo jackets we love
(pictured in the player above):
Smythe Tuxedo Blazer, $695.
Ponte Tuxedo Jacket, $75.
Tuxedo Collared Blazer, $119.
Smoking-Style Suit Jacket, $160.


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