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Your Weekly Horoscope: May 13 - May 19, 2020

Venus is going retrograde. See what that means for your sign.
2018 horoscope taurus

Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


April 20-May 20

Prioritize soothing your feelings before you get going so that you don’t act from a place of agitation this week. Things are changing fast, but you haven’t calibrated to the most recent round of changes and it’s unnerving—to say the least. Taking breaks and making time for replenishment is a way to invest in the work before you, Taurus. Pace yourself through the upsets and opportunities before you so that you not only have resources to tap into, but you remember to do it when needed.

Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.

Woman wrestling with a bull represents taurus astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


May 21-June 21

On the 13th, Venus goes retrograde in your sign and it will stay there until June 25th. What you love and value is going to be top of your mind during this period, so here’s a pro-tip: go in to get through. Don’t be scared of looking within to determine the kindest and most authentic way of behaving. Your relationship to security may feel destabilized this week; be curious about it and lean in, Twin Star.

Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.

identical women face each other symbolizing gemini astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


June 22-July 22

This isn’t a good time for trying to predict the actions of others, because you can’t easily anticipate what they’re going to do. Your growth at this time is in the not knowing, the unfolding and your ability to stay present within it all. Don’t rush answers or relationship dynamics that aren’t ready for you yet, Moonchild. Take care of your own side of the street and accept what you see others offering in the present moment. Just be here for all of it, my love.

Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.

Your Weekly Horoscope: May 13 - May 19, 2020Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


July 23-Aug. 22

While you may fear change in general, or endings in particular, there’s no stopping the marching of time and whatever consequences it brings. You're ready to confront a relationship fear that’s been dogging you for some time, and while it may not be easy, it’s most certainly time. Make small, meaningful adjustments in the face of your impulse to bounce or shut down. Your abundance lies in your willingness to not only seek it, but also receive it, Leo.

Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.

Your Weekly Horoscope: May 13 - May 19, 2020Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You’ll be able to more easily unstick yourself if you can stop resisting your situation, your feelings, or even your nature for what it is, Virgo. It doesn’t help you to lament what isn’t or what you wish could one day be; now is the time to get present and hang out there for a while. Between the Neptune in your relationship house and Venus retrograding through your house of purpose, this is a powerful time for exploring your sense of purpose, dear one.

Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.

Illustration of a woman with brown hair wearing a pink flower crown and white shirt on a pink background represents Virgo astrological sign for this week's horoscopes, September 6 to 12, 2017Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

From May 13th until June 25th, you can expect your relationships to be a matter of great interest and introspection because your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde. When Venus goes rogue, any Libra can expect to feel it. When you hit uncertainties, strive to ask yourself ‘what is authentic for me?’ instead of ‘what should I do?’ Slow down and check in with your motives this week; don’t do what’s easiest or most habitual without question, my love.

Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.

Your Weekly Horoscope: May 13 - May 19, 2020Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Boundaries aren’t just for buddies; you’ve gotta have them with yourself, too. This week your anxieties may get the better of you if you don’t take pains to manage your thoughts, attitudes and expectations. Show all the way up, Scorpio. Stop fixating on other people, what they're doing or not doing. Strive to take responsibility for your participation in action, but also internally. Redirect negative thought loops until you’re able to be constructive.

Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.

A woman with a scorpion tattoo represents the astrological sign of scorpio.Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You don’t have to know the answers, Sagittarius. This week Venus goes retrograde in your relationship house, and that’s big news for your heart. If you feel disquieted, or find yourself dealing with upsets in your connections with others this week, don’t freak out. It’s time to show up and look at the bits of your relationships that aren’t working now—and haven’t been for a while. Be gentle and patient with yourself and others as you investigate the truth.

Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.

woman holding bow and arrow represents sagittarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

As you create a solid foundation in your life you run the risk of forgetting to structure in flexibility. You may have to be willing to pivot this week, and it’s not a bad or a good thing. Your ability to respond to the ever shifting conditions of your life and the people around you is being put to the test, and you can emerge all the better for it, Capricorn. The key is to be willing to take in data as you are shown it, and not let it stop you in your tracks.

Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.

woman with antlers represents capricorn astrological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Fear can be a liar or a wise teacher, and it takes patience, courage and good old-fashioned discernment to know the difference. Take your time sorting through your frightened and defensive feelings this week. You can struggle against what scares you, but fighting fear from a place of fear rarely works. Find some calm before you go looking for clarity or answers. Take responsibility for what you can manage in a healthy way, Aquarius.

Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.

woman holding overflowing water jug over her head represents aquarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Feb. 19-March 20

If you're willing to learn from your past, the future doesn’t need to be so daunting. While you may be in brand new situations, the underlying patterns at play are unlikely to be totally new. Instead of looking for the “right” ideas or answers, look for the truth. You’re on the precipice of change, and if you play your cards right that may just look like a massive growth spurt. Don’t worry about what will happen more than you concern yourself with how you want to participate, Pisces.

Learn more about what it means to be Pisces.

two fish in a fish bowl represent pisces astological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


March 21-April 19

When you hold onto your fears too tightly you unwittingly bind yourself to them. Instead of attaching yourself to what you don’t want, make some space for what you do. Find the bright side of what’s distressing you, Aries. If you’re scared of loneliness, that’s because of how much love you have to give—practice focusing your energies on that part of your truth. What you feed will grow this week, so strive to be intentional about where your energies go and stay.

Learn more about what it means to be Aries.

woman with brown hair blowing on a horn represents aries astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.

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