
Your Weekly Horoscope: June 17 - June 23, 2020

Mercury will go retrograde on the 17th, so get ready for miscommunications and misunderstandings.
Your Weekly Horoscope: June 17 - June 23, 2020

Illustration, Kiki Ljung.

Mercury will go retrograde on the 17th, so get ready for technical problems, miscommunications and misunderstandings. As always, scrutinize contracts, source check your materials and be patient with delays.


May 21-June 21

If you haven’t taken time to be alone with yourself and let go of some of the emotions that have come up in the past week or so, this week may be hard. When you lose track of how you’re feeling and why, you lose track of yourself. Create some space in your life to be with the discomfort of your inner landscape for even just a half hour. Sit with yourself without an agenda and you’ll find that it serves as a balm. Slowing down will help you get to where you want to be, Twin Star.


Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.

identical women face each other symbolizing gemini astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


June 22-July 22

On the 21st there will be a new moon/ solar eclipse in your sign, marking a powerful time for new beginnings. The energy of eclipses is tumultuous and transformative, which is fantastic in the big picture but can be exhausting (even as it’s exhilarating!) in the moment. Open yourself up to exploration, healing and change, Moonchild. You don’t need to decide where you’re going; you only need to commit to being authentic and acting with integrity along the way.


Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.

Your Weekly Horoscope: June 17 - June 23, 2020Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


July 23-Aug. 22

The solar eclipse in cancer is happening in your 12th house this week and it’s likely to stir your inner pot. Look to whatever is giving you the most anxiety to understand what needs the most care from you, Leo. In order to have a truly successful life you don’t need to be perfect or even happy all the time; what you need is an unwavering commitment to living in accordance with your ethics. Recalibrate your reactions so that you can respond with greater intention this eclipse season.


Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.

Your Weekly Horoscope: June 17 - June 23, 2020Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Letting go is hard. This week you are likely to be confronted with so many changes that it has your head spinning. This isn’t the time for certainties or ironclad plans; it’s time for trusting your gut as you release your hold on what no longer serves you. As you strive towards a more whole and sustainable inner world or life circumstance, you’re likely to feel all the feels. Don’t attach to any of them. Let them be a part of your process instead of the directors of it, Virgo.


Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.

Illustration of a woman with brown hair wearing a pink flower crown and white shirt on a pink background represents Virgo astrological sign for this week's horoscopes, September 6 to 12, 2017Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Anxiety and feeling overwhelmed is no joke. If you seize up on yourself, you can’t be effective in your life let alone have any peace inside your skin. This week is practice in seeing that self-care isn’t a detour from the work; it’s an essential part of it. Carve out the space you need to be present with the upsets within you, because you need you in order to heal, dear Libra. Don’t fixate on the outcome; just be here for the process, no matter how uncomfortable it is.


Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.

Your Weekly Horoscope: June 17 - June 23, 2020Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Centre yourself in your capacity for empathy, compassion, and staying present for complicated and messy things. You are capable of staying present through so much, but it isn’t necessarily easy for you. As odd as this may sound, commit to moving slowly this week. Take small enough steps that you can notice how you feel and the impact that you’re having on others. In this way you can tend to yourself as well as the people and situations that you care about with a clear conscience.


Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.

A woman with a scorpion tattoo represents the astrological sign of scorpio.Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Life isn’t symmetrical and things can go very wrong some of the time. The key is to not live with your head in the clouds or live in fear—though it may be easier said than done. This week your ability to navigate through your worries is being tested, and there’s only one way to thrive through it all. Stay present, Sagittarius, through both the lows and highs of your feelings so that you can make changes that stick, and choices that are authentic.


Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.

woman holding bow and arrow represents sagittarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s time to come back to basics, Capricorn. This week’s solar eclipse in your relationship house is inevitably going to kick up so much feeling that it could easily convert into anxiety for you, my practical friend. Strive to listen to others without giving them power over your wellness—you’re in charge of that. Seek to be collaborative in your dynamics with others so that the onus for making peace or propagating joy doesn’t fall on any one person.


Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.

woman with antlers represents capricorn astrological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Consideration of the people in your life doesn’t have to be paired with watering down your needs, desires or actions, Aquarius. It’s not selfish to take what’s yours or to follow your gut instinct. But, if you don’t take the time to communicate what’s running through that busy little mind of yours, you are very likely to offend or hurt others. Just because you’re technically right, doesn’t make you righteous. Don’t forget to include others in your process this week.


Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.

woman holding overflowing water jug over her head represents aquarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Feb. 19-March 20

You don’t have to know what’s next to support yourself with where you’re at. The best thing that you can do for yourself this week is to centre being present, without attachment, and to work with wherever you're at. Idealism will get you into just as much of a sticky mess as fear mongering will. Don’t judge the moment, be present in it. Don’t seek fixes for your struggles, seek potential coping tools and approaches. Hold your feelings and ambitions lightly, Pisces.


Learn more about what it means to be Pisces.

two fish in a fish bowl represent pisces astological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


March 21-April 19

Not knowing where you stand generates anxiety—and it’s time to step into it, Aries. What you don’t understand is not a bad thing or even a risky thing, it’s just an uncomfortable one. This is a meaningful time to look back at your patterns and learn from your past mistakes. This is one of those times when the old adage everywhere you go, there you are rings true. While your situations are likely to be different now, the general set ups aren’t, my love.


Learn more about what it means to be Aries.

woman with brown hair blowing on a horn represents aries astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


April 20-May 20

If you allow yourself to run on empty you’ll honestly be pretty much fine for a while—your sign is signified by the bull, after all. The problem is that you’ll only be fine until you’re not, and if you hit your wall at full speed, the consequences will be way worse than necessary. Centre your wellness because you care about it, and not only out of absolute necessity, Taurus. Damage control is so much more taxing than prioritizing your wellness as you go.


Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.

Woman wrestling with a bull represents taurus astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.

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