Illustration, Kiki Ljung.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Self-care isn’t boring, even if it takes you out of the game for a minute. When you stretch yourself too thin, even when you do it out of enthusiasm, you end up doing a disservice to yourself and others. This week is time for you to play catch-up, Sagittarius. Don’t add anything new to your plate, and make sure that all of your existing T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. If you slow down it will allow for the recalibration that you need and will actually save you time in the long run.
Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
The struggles that you’re having with yourself can be best handled with a feather instead of a hammer. Instead of adding more things to your plate or looking for some big reason that they’re difficult, prioritize things that nurture and support you, Capricorn. Learning how to receive the good in life and to let it in so that it can fortify you is an important part of cultivating and maintaining personal accountability.
Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Take the time to consider your ego this week, Aquarius. Egos get a bad rap, but they are not inherently bad. All humans have egos and we are meant to have healthy ones! The trouble occurs when your ego is either too strong or too weak. Consider your relationship to your ego and entitlement, and whether or not it reflects who and how you want to be. You are at the precipice of a new level of growth; centre your will with consideration of your ego, but not in service to it.
Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.
Feb. 19-March 20
You are so ready to shake things up and make some moves, but if you’re not careful, you’ll create just as many problems as you’re trying to solve. Strive to make patience your primary goal this week. No matter what you do, there are bound to be some bumps on the road. Make economic decisions about how you engage with others and in what you choose for yourself, Pisces.
Learn more about what it means to be Pisces.
March 21-April 19
It’s okay not to know what comes next, or even what you want to do in the present moment, Aries. This week is likely to find you feeling restless and impatient with yourself and others. While they’re uncomfortable, these feelings aren’t exactly bad, either. It’s humbling to feel so unmoored, but humility is a powerful tool for attaining maturity. Cultivate interest in, and patience about, all that you don’t know. The truth is on the other side of this uncertainty, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be Aries.
April 20-May 20
How other people feel about the way you’re acting is important information. This week you may find that something that feels totally right is creating upset or concerns for someone close to you. Avoid getting defensive in the face of difference, Taurus. Know that your growth may take you to unexpected places, and not everyone in your life will want to go there. Do yourself and others the courtesy of investigating with an open mind before making any decisions.
Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.
May 21-June 21
Getting grounded often requires slowing down, which is difficult work for you, Twin Star. Instead of spreading yourself thin and then trying to figure out what to do or not to do after the fact, now is the time to focus your energy inward. Strive to determine what kind of compromises you need to make in your approach to your goals so that you can achieve them more gracefully and holistically. Explore paradoxical truths this week.
Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.
June 22-July 22
When you achieve something you really want, it can be hard to enjoy it if the first thing you do is jump into fear of losing it. Take time this week to sit with your fears and offer yourself the same compassion and patience that you would to a dear friend. It’s okay to have mixed or messy feelings, even in the face of theoretically really good things. Tend to your feelings and then be intentional about how you respond to them, my love.
Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.
July 23-Aug. 22
Sometimes your fears are a distraction from all that is good, but other times they offer important wisdom—even if they’re difficult to tolerate. Be brave enough to sit with your worries and listen to what they’re really saying to you, Leo. This week is likely to find you face to face with something that may be hard to let go of but also needs to be dealt with. Strive to make informed and life affirming decisions, even if they’re the scarier choice.
Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Your sense of proportion is being tested, Virgo, and how much you take on should be a major consideration for you this week. Review 2020 in regards to your work-life balance; if you find there has been a meaningful balance, this is the time to convert that awareness into a plan of action (or inaction, as the case may be). Rest, recovery and relaxation are all important parts of life.
Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Even when you know what you’re doing is right, making change is scary and embodying it is risky. This week, you are likely to be letting go of an old way of being that you have been very attached to. On the surface, this might be about an attitude, habit or a relationship, but ultimately it’s about you, Libra. Be honest about what comes up as you endeavour to transform old demons into compost that will fertilize future growth.
Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Anxiety can easily turn into defensiveness if you’re not careful, Scorpio. Prioritize looking out for the good you have available to you this week. Centring gratitude in your attitude will help you make better sense of the very real struggles that you’re dealing with. While the good doesn’t cancel out the bad, it does help to empower you with resources that you need to be able to have a broad and balanced perspective.
Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.
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Jessica Lanyadoo is the host of the twice weekly Astrology + Advice show, Ghost of a Podcast, and the author of Astrology For Real Relationships.