
Your Weekly Horoscope: December 18 - 24, 2019

Find out what this week leading up to winter solstice and holiday festivities has in store for you.
Your Weekly Horoscope: December 18 - 24, 2019

Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It’s ok to be sad. In fact, in order to be emotionally healthy, it’s essential to experience your emotions—even when they are kind of awful. You are likely to find yourself in the throes of change this week and it’s not totally easy. What you need more than anything is a willingness to take the path that is most direct, which, unfortunately, is also likely to be the more tender or touchy one. Explore new ways of moving through old feelings, Sagittarius.

Learn more about what it means to be Sagittarius.

woman holding bow and arrow represents sagittarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

A little progress is still progress, my love. Not knowing when or how is most Capricorns’ unhappy place, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing for you. When you don’t know what’s next, that isn’t the universe’s code for something bad this way comes. Find ways of tolerating the emotions that come up when things are still TBD. Notice your tendency to catastrophize or generally expect the worst, and dial it back so you can be present.

Learn more about what it means to be a Capricorn.

woman with antlers represents capricorn astrological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Sometimes it’s all just too much. When you’re at your limits it’s on you to take a time out so that you can pause, recalibrate, and restart. The problem is that it’s easy to forget that you have a choice, that you can prioritize acts of self-care, no matter how little. Find ways of slowing down whenever you can, and if you absolutely can’t, prioritize breathing intentionally to calm your nerves. Hold yourself as you wish to be held, Aquarius.

Learn more about what it means to be an Aquarius.

woman holding overflowing water jug over her head represents aquarius astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


Feb. 19-March 20

As you grow into yourself you’re likely to find that parts of your life no longer fit you—or maybe never did. The reason why so many people get stuck in life is because the fear and pain of moving into the unknown is truly scary. This is the time for you to be brave, Pisces. Pair the practicality of Capricorn season with your willingness to dream big, and take small but meaningful steps in the direction of what you most want to be, this week.

Learn more about what it means to be Pisces.

two fish in a fish bowl represent pisces astological symbolIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


March 21-April 19

If you’ve been overworked and exhausted, it’s time to rest. The problem is that in your rush to enjoy life, you may not take the space you need to emotionally recalibrate, but trust me Aries, you need it. Find ways of intentionally letting last week’s stresses go. Strive to be present for what you have going on right now, even the hard parts. Approach your life with a touch of patience so that you don’t unintentionally drag yesterday’s problems into today.

Learn more about what it means to be Aries.

woman with brown hair blowing on a horn represents aries astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


April 20-May 20

You’re ready, Taurus. The key is to lead with kindness to yourself and others so that you don’t come across as defensive and have your actions backfire on you. This week is likely to confront you with the promise of what you want (yay!), but along with it comes the fear of failure or loss, too (boo!). Approach all of it as a moving thing—don’t get too hung up on what you have or don’t have right now. Be here for the ebb and flow of your life, my love.

Learn more about what it means to be Taurus.

Woman wrestling with a bull represents taurus astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


May 21-June 21

You’re coming out of a really taxing period, and it’s important that you take time to slow down and look around you. What have you achieved in recent months, Twin Star? All growth and progress is valuable—take a moment to appreciate what you’ve had to go through to get where you are. This week is a test of how much heart you can bring to your process. You’ve come a long way, but if you don’t take it in, it will be hard to take that wisdom with you to the next playing level.

Learn more about what it means to be Gemini.

identical women face each other symbolizing gemini astrological signIllustration, Kiki Ljung.


June 22-July 22

As you struggle with some messy, mixed emotions, you have some choices to make. Will you prioritize the kind of self-care that supports you, or will you go into martyr-mode? You deserve to prioritize your wellness, but if you can’t or choose not to, it’s important that you take responsibility for how you hold the energy that you’re struggling with around others. Ask for love, or help, or even a little space this week. Act like you believe you deserve it Moonchild, because you totally do.

Learn more about what it means to be Cancer.

Your Weekly Horoscope: December 18 - 24, 2019Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


July 23-Aug. 22

Your heart and your innermost psyche are not the same; your heart may be wide open and ready, while your insides are still too tender to take a real chance. What you want may not be what you need this week, Leo. You’re likely to be wrestling with too much to come to things totally open. Make sure that you’re devoting some time to the uncomfortable stuff you need to let go of, and the mixed and messy emotions you have about it, my love.

Learn more about what it means to be a Leo.

Your Weekly Horoscope: December 18 - 24, 2019Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This week is all about compromise. There’s an art to it, really. If you meet the people and dynamics of your life in the middle, you’ll often find that you’re hanging out there, all alone, waiting for others to budge from their position. The key is to listen to others and give what you can without resentments—and not a bit more. Strive to honour the need for give-and-take without micromanaging what others give as a reaction to having compromised too much, Virgo.

Learn more about what it means to be a Virgo.

Illustration of a woman with brown hair wearing a pink flower crown and white shirt on a pink background represents Virgo astrological sign for this week's horoscopes, September 6 to 12, 2017Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This week is an excellent time to show all the way up, Libra. Ask for what you want, take emotional risks, and generally put yourself out there, because this isn’t the time for hiding or passively waiting for your life to happen to you. Consider the relationship between what you need or want, and what you’re actually doing to make it happen in the world. If you find that you’re hiding out or watering your wishes down, this is the time to change your approach.

Learn more about what it means to be a Libra.

Your Weekly Horoscope: December 18 - 24, 2019Illustration, Kiki Ljung.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It doesn’t matter how smart and insightful you are, or how complicated your understanding is, if your feelings are twisted up then your progress will automatically slow down. Tending to your emotions is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. This week you’re likely to find yourself caught up in an old, painful emotional pattern. Notice your inner talk and reframe it. Prioritize kindness towards yourself and then spread those good vibes around to others, Scorpio.

Learn more about what it means to be a Scorpio.

A woman with a scorpion tattoo represents the astrological sign of scorpio.Illustration, Kiki Ljung.

Jessica Lanyadoo’s new book, Astrology for Real Relationships, will be out December 31. She will also do a live webinar on the same day; click here for more details.


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