
Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

By Barb Hindley


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

As an earth sign you’re more practical, efficient and grounded than most other people around you. You love that feeling of accomplishment when you get to tick items off your to-do list. Sometimes though, all this busy-ness with the external world makes it easy to forget about your inner world. This year you’re being challenged to take more time for yourself and to listen to that still small voice within.

Your mantra for 2015 is: I choose to let my intuition be my guide.

Love: Your cup runneth over with love and affection this spring, thanks to the March 20th solar eclipse energizing your committed relationship sector. It’s all there for the taking. You may need to say goodbye to someone, something or someplace in the process (moving?), but it’s all good. You’re introspective and insightful for the first half of the year, and not inclined to be out partying like a maniac (not that you ever really were into that anyway). Romantic dinners at home or a weekend getaway for two are more your speed. This all shifts in August though – your mood lightens and your confidence soars and you’re much more expressive and social. Single? Not for long. With both romantic Venus and sexy Mars purring together in your sign in October you can certainly afford to be choosy with whom you say yes to.

Work and wealth: What you value and give priority to in your life shifts at the April 4th eclipse. What you once thought was important may no longer even hold your interest.

What is it that you most value? Hint – money isn’t it. Still, money matters improve dramatically from August onward. Unexpected funds falling your way at the end of September may be a surprise, but certainly a welcome one. This is not earned income either – all you have to do is show up and receive.

More from Barbara Y. Hindley at Comfy Chair Astrology.

Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Click on pink triangle to read your horoscope