
Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

By Barb Hindley


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The world is your oyster as you push past any boundaries or behaviours that have held you back in the past. You feel a profound sense of release, relief and of freedom as you surge forward with a new mindset. You’re looking to experience more from the world, and this could be a year of learning, teaching or travel.

Your mantra for 2015 is: I choose to open myself up to new experiences.

Love: Joyful Jupiter continues to grace your sign right through to August and helps you to open your already big heart to new people and new ideas. Freedom and independence are major issues for you right now, but at the same time commitment-happy Saturn still wants some sort of emotional security. Yes, you absolutely can have both this year. Expect something especially exciting to happen from June 19th to July 1st. Already attached? Allow your sweetie to take care of you for a change, or plan a romantic trip for two this summer. Some of you may be welcoming a new bundle of joy this year, thanks to responsible Saturn’s sojourn through your kid zone.

Work and wealth: You continue to benefit from lucky Jupiter’s jaunt through your sign right through to August. This is a once-in-12-years opportunity that you’ve got going on here, so be sure to take advantage when calculated risks, offers and prospects tend to pay off. It doesn’t even really end in August, as Jupiter moves into your money zone at that point for another 12-month stint. In short, you really can’t lose this year. The only danger may be complacency; Jupiter does provide the opportunities, but they could pass by if you don’t take advantage of them. Mid-April and all of June are exceptional in this regard.

More from Barbara Y. Hindley at Comfy Chair Astrology.

Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Click on pink triangle to read your horoscope