
Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!

By Barb Hindley


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You’ve been playing your cards close to your chest for the last while and focusing quite a bit on financial security. This year though, you’re ready to express yourself. Communications of all kinds are challenging in one sense, but they’re also your key to success not only professionally, but also when it comes to family relations. You could become intensely focused in one area of study, and become an expert in your field.

Your mantra for 2015 is: I choose to share what I know

Love: It’s tricky this April when you feel like you have to fight for what/who you want. Don’t fall for it, and don’t underestimate the power of your own charm. Let them come to you (they will). Just be confident, sit back and allow someone to ‘woo’ you.Whether you’re single or attached, the old-fashioned pleasantries of courtship still work their magic. Romantic Venus in retrograde July 25 to September 7 pulls former flames back in. It’s a golden opportunity to resolve old situations, but don’t start new ones during that time period. The September 27th lunar eclipse could herald a positive major turning point in your love life.

Work and wealth: Generous Jupiter increases your popularity all winter and spring. Charity groups, book clubs and social events all contribute to your network of connections. Cultivate them. June 20th to July 2nd is extremely lucky in this regard— there’s a unique opportunity for fortune or even fame when you connect with others during this special time period. Responsible Saturn briefly steps back into your income zone this summer and asks you to take one more look at an old money matter. It’s only a temporary situation though, as he moves on for good in September.

More from Barbara Y. Hindley at Comfy Chair Astrology.

Your 2015 annual horoscope: a look at the year ahead!Click on pink triangle to read your horoscope