Cooking the News

Today's pairing: New taco emoji + saucy beef tacos

This is Cooking the News, a column that pairs food with the news.
Taco photo, Sian Richards. Taco photo, Sian Richards.

The news: [Party]! The Unicode Consortium — keepers of the emoji pantheon — has introduced 37 new teeny emojis to facilitate all your graphic-communication needs. The varied (and food-heavy) list includes a taco, burrito, hot dog, turkey and the way-past-overdue cheese emoji. (Flan and floppy disks, but no cheese? Really, guys?) Of course, the UC's acceptance of the new icons doesn't necessarily mean Apple and Android will roll them out in subsequent software versions, but it does pave the way for mobile users to more effectively plan their backyard fiestas over text. [Salsa].

The dish: Saucy and savoury beef tacos for all your IRL summer-entertaining needs. Get the recipe here.


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