1. Wipe down your cabinets and cupboards. Fetch a bowl of soapy water and tackle any stuck-on stains.
2. Vacuum your drawers. Crumbs have a way of settling in every nook and cranny, along with dust and dirt.
3. Clean your oven. This can be really time-consuming, especially if you don’t have a self-cleaning model. But it's so important to get rid of any stuck-on bits before your oven starts working overtime during the colder months. If left, these bits will begin to burn, smoking out your kitchen and adding unnecessary colour to your food.
4. Mop your floor. A quick once-over will make it look good as new.
5. Soak your pots. Get rid of calcium build-up in your kettle and pots by soaking them with white vinegar. Let stand at least 10 minutes, and watch the calcium wash away with a good rinse.
6. Scrub your pans and baking sheets. Simply sprinkle coarse salt over tough stains and wipe in a circular motion using a damp kitchen cloth.
Click here for Chatelaine's pantry cleaning checklist.
You’ll need a wet and dry J-cloth or rag, dish soap and water.
1. Dampen your cloth. Wring it out so there to offload excess water.
2. Add a drop of dish soap. You don’t want to use too much! The cloth shouldn’t be dripping with suds.
3. Wipe the appliance in the direction of the grain. Move the cloth horizontally along the appliance in one long streak before moving on to the next section underneath, careful to not miss any spots.
4. Rinse and wipe again. Once all the suds are rinsed from your cloth, wring it out and wipe the soap off the appliance in the same direction you cleaned it.
5. Use your dry cloth to buff the appliance’s surface. Again, make sure you are moving the cloth in the direction of the grain. This step really makes the stainless steel shine.
1. Get organized. Collect stray items in a basket and store in a low-traffic area.
2. Dust. Wipe eye-level surfaces with a microfibre cloth. Use a duster to reach hard-to-reach places, like the tops of bookshelves or window frames.
3. Open windows. This instantly deodorizes and freshens up your house.
4. Straighten up. Fluff pillows and fold throw blankets. If your throws are machine-washable, put them in the wash. The same goes for pillow covers.
5. Clean the floors. Vacuum and then scrub floors, paying close attention to the floorboards and easy-to-miss corners.
1. Do a deep clean. This checklist will help.
2. Toss, toss, toss. Cabinets can get cluttered very easily. First, give them a good clean. Next, throw away anything that's expired, empty or that you haven't used in the last 12 months.
3. Replace. Now that you've finished purging, add any emptied products to your next shopping list.
1. Forget the glass cleaner. To break down any built-up film on really dirty windows, give them a good scrub with a sponge and a simple mixture of water and dish soap.
2. Go natural(ish). While vinegar and water provides a natural alternative to harsh chemicals, many people find that it can leave streak marks. Mix together 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/2 tsp of dishwashing detergent.
3. Make an ‘S’ pattern. The best way to wash windows is to start at the top and work your way downwards. Wipe off any excess water with a squeegee or a microfibre cloth.
4. Wait for an overcast day. Direct sunlight can sometimes dry windows too quickly, which results in streaks on the glass.
1. De-dust your sleeping area. This will help get rid of allergens and (hopefully) prevent those spring sniffles.
2. Freshen your bedding. You should only wash your duvet once a year at most. Use a gentle cycle, and make sure all the soap is washed out (you may need to run two cycles). Then into the dryer the duvet goes. To retain tis fluffiness, throw a couple of tennis balls into the dryer.
3. Flip and rotate your mattress. This should be done seasonally. If you don’t remember the last time you did it, it’s probably time!
4. Vacuum. Do a thorough vacuum of your bedroom making sure to include the closet, curtains and under any furniture.
3. Wipe down all surfaces. Wash your windows, light switches, fixtures, door knobs and mirrors.
How to organize your entire kitchen in just 5 steps
How to make natural homemade cleaners
Six quick cleaning tips to get your home spotless, fast
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Chatelaine celebrates, inspires, informs and empowers. We know that Canadian women contain multitudes, and we cover all of the issues—big and small—that matter to them, from climate change to caregiving, Canadian fashion and what to cook now.