Take an office poll and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t want to shed a few pounds, especially at this time of year when the beach beckons and last season’s swimsuit threatens to expose to the world just how you spent your time during the long winter (on the sofa with the remote in one hand and a bowl of steaming carbonara in the other).
Given our short summers, it’s no wonder that many of us are looking for a quick-fix when it comes to slimming down. Every day it seems there’s some new trend or trick being touted that will see you lose the ‘belly bloat’ or that elusive 10 pounds — and fast.
Some of the tips are helpful, others well, let’s just say their usefulness to your health and fitness goals comes down to a matter of choice.
Hold on to your sun hat, here comes such a tip (via Co.Exist).
A U.S. study recently found that people who smoke marijuana are skinnier and have a reduced risk of obesity than those who abstain from the fragrant herb.
While the research may get the nod from Harold and Kumar, the study is legitimate — the research was conducted by a group of researchers drawn from Harvard, the University of Nebraska and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
After examining health data collected over a five-year period from more than 4,600 marijuana users, the researchers discovered that those who partake enjoy a few unexpected health benefits. Primarily, they have a smaller waist circumference, lower BMI, a reduced risk of developing diabetes, and even a higher amount of “good” cholesterol.
Basically marijuana-smokers can fit into their skinny jeans without having to make it to a 6 a.m. Spin class three times a week. And they eat more.
If you don’t partake and have no plans to take up the habit, don’t worry. (I'm tempted to add congrats as well.) Because guess what: Lower waist circumference and lower BMI can also be enjoyed by those who eat well, are active, and yes, make it to Spin class before work.
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