
How to wear neon

Bright shades are no longer a throwback to the ‘80s, so prep your closets for the latest trends. A pro stylist gives us great advice on how to wear it

toy watch Toywatch Large Plasteramic Green Watch, Ishara.

netaporter1 Chinti and Parker Woven Cotton Shirt,

forever21 Fab Flip Skirt, Forever 21.

How to wear neon Sarah Jessica Parker tops her dark ensemble with an eye-popping neon pink jacket. (Getty Images)

What to look for: A rainbow of colours is in this season. Look for solids in fluorescent orange, lime green or hot pink. You can also find some of your favourite shades like tangerine in an amplified tone that’s a little more bold but not too electric.

How to wear it: Pair day-glo shades with an easy-to-wear neutral like grey, khaki and navy, says Afiya Francisco, a professional stylist. The brave of heart can try to colour block (pair two complimentary colours, such as pink and orange) their brights, but keep it fitted as to not totally overwhelm your figure.

Accessorize it: Anchor your look with a neutral shoe. Brown tends to be an easy choice and is a softer option than black. Keep accessories understated, says Francisco.

Day to night: A little bright dress is a sure way to stand out from a sea of ubiquitous LBDs at your next cocktail party.

A little hit of style
The easiest way to test-drive this trend is with accessories. Opt for a pop of bold colour by way of shoes, jewellery or bag to an otherwise neutral outfit. You can also try neons in your makeup with a nail colour, lip colour or eyeliner shade.

Neons We Love (pictured in the player above):
Fab Flip Skirt, $11. Forever 21.
Chinti and Parker Woven Cotton Shirt, $140.
Toywatch Large Plasteramic Green Watch, $370. Ishara.


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