Swimsuit season is just around the corner and amid the new ads for cute bikinis and sexy one-pieces, Ashley Graham has released a campaign that is truly beautiful.
While in Miami shooting the campaign for her Swimsuits For All Summer 2018 collection, the celeb was, as per usual, followed by paparazzi. Instead of getting peeved at the photographers, Graham decided to use their unretouched photos to her advantage — because even though she’s a supermodel, Graham also wants us to know that she’s just like us, cellulite and all.
In an interview with InStyle, the model further explained her decision to use the candid pics. “These raw and unedited images would remind women that they are flawless in their own right and that they already have the perfect beach body!” Graham said. “Of course it’s daunting knowing the paparazzi may have captured an unflattering photo, but I remind myself that being authentic is beautiful, and I have nothing to hide when it comes to my body because I know it’s changing people’s lives.”
The collection is aptly named the “Power of the Paparazzi” and Graham recently introduced the collection by posting a pic from the campaign on Instagram.
“Reminder: being authentic is beautiful,” she captioned the photo.
This isn’t the first time the model has used her work to change the conversations around conventional beauty standards. In fact, Graham, who broke barriers as the first size 14 model to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated and Vogue, has always been an outspoken body-positive advocate. In 2015, the model delivered a TED Talk discussing her focus on self-love and her hatred of the term “plus-size model.” She also called out Victoria’s Secret last year for not including more curvy models in their famous runway show.
According to the comments on the model’s IG, these photos are clearly resonating with users. “Oh my goodness this makes me feel okay about my cellulite. I wish more models would do this. #lovetheskinyourein,”@leila895 commented under Graham’s post. “Thank you for using unedited images! It’s so nice to see real bodies in ads!” @suskimo89 wrote.
During a time of the year where our timelines are flooded with swimwear ads, Graham’s unique campaign photos are incredibly refreshing. We don’t want unattainable body standards, we want authenticity — and Graham’s campaign is as real as it gets.
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