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Skincare Secrets We Learned From Our Mothers

There’s a reason why certain beauty tips and tricks have stood the test of time—mom always knew best! Just in time for Mother’s Day, we asked Chatelaine readers to share the skincare secrets they learned from their mothers—and still apply today
By Jessica Robinson
L'Oreal Paris Age Perfect Rosy Tint Moisturizer on pale satin surrounded by baby's breath Photo by Carmen Cheung, styled by Tricia Hall

Growing up, mom’s nightly skincare routine was nothing short of a mystical ritual we longed to understand. Now that we’re older and wiser (and maybe our skin a little more… mature?), we also find ourselves obsessively applying eye creams and serums, night after night. In honour of Mother’s Day, we asked Chatelaine readers to share the best beauty advice for glowing skin gleaned from their mothers that they still rely on today. From moisturizing tips to getting serious about sun safety, here are some of mom’s best words of beauty wisdom.

Don’t sleep in your makeup

“Take your makeup off every night. EVERY night.” – Allyson J., @allyson1673

“Wash off your makeup and ALWAYS use moisturizer (with spf)” – Dawn, @just_dej11

“Always take off your makeup. No matter how tired, clean your face and apply a great hydrating cream and or serum at night. And wear SPF daily” – Pamela K., @pkcommunications


Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

“Always, ALWAYS moisturize. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy just use something to moisturize!” – Sarah C., @sarah_elizabeth3

“I always saw my mother moisturizing her face and i started when i was in my teens and moisturize every day.” – Karen T., @tompkins9466

“Moisture was always the name of the skin care game in our house! Creams were scattered everywhere: next to the kitchen sink, in the fridge, on her nightstand – that's why my mother’s complexion was always radiant and smooth! To get that same natural glow, try the L'Oréal Paris Age Perfect Rosy Tone Moisturizer, for a hydrated, healthy flush that will also firm up your skin.” – Bahar N., @baharniramwalla

Stay sun safe

“Mom [a]lways said to keep your face out of the sun. It’ll age you she always said. And wear lots of moisturizer” – Suzanne I., @suzannethecoffeelover


“Sunscreen! Wear a good one meant for faces.” – Shelly C., @shellyknits

“Avoid the sun altogether!” – Lexa H., @davies57

And other age-old tricks:

“Wear a wide brimmed hat” – Lisa G., @gushuelisa

“To prevent scarring, don't pick at your face!” – Samantha H., @samantha_hodder


“She never threw away the end of a cucumber. Great toner!” – Lynda G.


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