Steven Lovekin/ Getty Images
If we had our way, getting ready in the morning would be just like a hair commercial: Every strand would behave beautifully, frizz wouldn’t exist and strangers would stop us on the street to ask about our special secret to shine. But in reality, how we feel about our hair isn’t that easy or straightforward. “It’s normal to get bored by your hair, especially if you’ve had the same cut for a while,” says Jeni Thomas, a senior scientist with Pantene. “The key to keeping your look fresh, whether you’re 20 or 60, is as simple as tweaking your routine and style to play up your hair’s best assets.”
What you can expect: This is the
glory decade, when hair is at its
thickest and healthiest and seems
to never stop growing. “The intense
scalp-oil production that kicks in
during the teenage years is still going
strong, so you don’t need to work as
hard to keep hair looking good,” says
Thomas. She recommends washing
it regularly, though, because hair can
look oily.
Stylish solutions: Excess sebum
helps protect the scalp and nourishes
hair follicles, but it doesn’t always
make its way to the tips, and primping
can take a toll. “When hair has been
damaged through regular use of fl at
irons and aggressive styling, the ends
of the hair may feel opposite to the
roots: dry and brittle,” says Thomas.
It’s key to protect your locks from
heat styling and look for shampoos
and conditioners that are gentle on
your hair.
Best way to wear it: If you
like long, loose
locks, this is the
time to go for it,
says Daniel
a stylist and the
co-owner of
Toronto’s Taz Hair
Co. Avoid severe
styles like a tightly
pulled-back ponytail, unless you want
to project an older, professional vibe.
Solutions that deliver: Purifying Shampoo, $5, Yves Rocher. Art
of Hair Sheer Lacquer, $40, Shu Uemura. Super-Smooth Relaxing Serum,
$30, Pureology.
What you can expect: This is the
superwoman decade, when careers,
marriage and babies take over,
reducing mirror time with your hair.
It’s no surprise then that hair takes
a hit, receding at the temples and
shedding. “This has to do with the
hormonal swings that go along with
pregnancy,” explains Thomas. You
may also notice flaking, irritation and
redness at the scalp, cautions Lisa
Kellett, a dermatologist in Toronto.
Stylish solutions: Topical
treatments are recommended if you
suffer from any irritation. For more
persistent issues like scalp psoriasis,
make an appointment with a
dermatologist. “Treatment may
include prescription medicated
shampoos and topical steroids,”
says Kellett.
Best way to wear it: If you’ve ever
dreamed of bangs, now is a great time
to see how they complement your
face, says Naumovski, who also
recommends consulting with your
stylist to create a haircut to optimize
your hair’s texture. Ask for flirty
side-swept bangs that
soften your features
and hide those new
lines you may see on
your forehead.
Solutions that deliver: Had & Shoulders Ocean Lift 2 in 1, $7. Shine Flash Spray , $20, Redken. Tresemmé 24
hour Body Root Boosting Spray, $7.
What you can expect: Yes, this is
when wiry and coarse
grey hairs pop up
overnight and, no, we
don’t like it. “Women
start colouring their
hair more frequently,”
says Naumovski. “It’s
not just for fashion;
it’s for maintenance.”
As a result, hair can
become over-processed
and “more prone to
breakage,” warns
Thomas. Women with
sensitive scalps may not be able to
tolerate additional chemical treatments
and may “experience irritant contact
dermatitis or allergic-contact
dermatitis,” says Kellett.
Stylish solutions: Before adding
colour, Kellett advises asking your
colourist “to perform a patch test of
the hair dye on your skin.” This will
help ensure that there are no adverse
reactions. Protect your scalp while
maintaining the quality and longevity
of your hair colour by using shampoos,
conditioners and styling products
designed for colour-treated hair,
adds Thomas.
Best way to wear it: Skip the
soccer-mom cut and aim for shoulder
length with body-inducing longer
layers. “There are no more rules,” says
Naumovski. “You don’t have to chop
your hair into a pixie cut and let the
grey grow in or start highlighting your
hair blond—unless you want to.”
Solutions that deliver: Garnier Fructis Color Shield Shampoo, $6. Essensity Colour Leave-In Mask, $25, Schwarzkopf Professional. Pantene Pro-V Colour Preserve Shine Conditioner, $6.
What you can expect: For most
women, this means hair that is
around 50-percent grey. “Your hair’s
biological pigmentation process
slows and eventually stops,” explains
Thomas. “As well, your hair no longer
benefits from the protective effects of
melanin, so it may be more prone to
UV damage, which has a weakening
effect.” Hair will also be noticeably
thinner in texture, says Kellett.
Stylish solutions: Naumovski
recommends talking to your colourist
about the different types of hair colouring
available for
and getting
a fresh
“Seventy to
percent of
my clients in this age group cut their hair
shorter,” says Naumovski. “It makes
their hair look thicker.” Topical
formulations such as minoxidil can
help reduce the appearance of
thinning hair, says Kellett.
Best way to wear it: You don’t have
to go all G.I. Jane, but this is a great
time to try a shorter style, like a bob.
And if you simply can’t part with long
locks, keep it polished with a smooth
part and ends. For special occasions,
avoid tightly pulled-back updos,
which can add years to your look.
Solutions that deliver: Marc Anthony Be Ageless Advanced Color Protect Anti-Aging Leave-In Treatment, $13. Pro-Mend Overnight Treatment, $15, Nexxus. Phytargent Brightening Shampoo, $24, Phyto Paris.
What you can expect:
Your scalp isn’t producing
as much sebum, so hair
looks and feels drier, says
Thomas. For some women,
hair loss continues,
adds Kellett.
Stylish solutions: To
combat dryness, Thomas
recommends using
hydrating hair-care
products, while Kellett
suggests consulting
a dermatologist for a proper
diagnosis and treatment
should scalp lesions appear.
“We used to think that
roller sets and a blue rinse
were the only hairstyle
options for women in their60s,” says Naumovski. “Now, these
women are confident, funky and more
willing to take chances with their hair
than when they were younger.”
Best way to wear it: Anything goes,
but avoid mistakes like teasing or
over-styling. And if you wear it short,
opt for volumizing layers with soft,
feminine appeal. Whatever your style,
make sure you have it trimmed every
six weeks. And if you still have bangs,
keep them a little shorter so they
don’t draw attention to fi ne lines
around your eyes.
Solutions that deliver: Herbal Essences Hydralicious Featherweight Shampoo, $4. L’Oreal Paris Re-Nutrition Nourishing Cream Care Conditioner, $7. Age Premium Mousse Substantive, $41, Kerastase.
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