Whether you’re spending the day with your one true love or flying solo with Ben and Jerry's, the best part of Valentine's Day is indulging in your favourite sweets. And what better way to take dessert from everyday to extraordinary than with decadently spiked whipped cream? So dollop your brownies, top your pies and load up your sundaes with these three flavours to make this Valentine's the most delicious yet!
Salted caramel Whisk 1 cup 35% cream in a medium bowl until stiff peaks form. Whisk in 1/4 cup cooled caramel and 1/8 tsp sea salt.
Brown sugar bourbon Whisk 1 cup 35% cream with 1 tbsp dark brown sugar until stiff peaks form. Whisk in 2 tsp bourbon.
Dark chocolate Whisk 1 cup 35% cream with 1 tbsp icing sugar. Stir in 4 tsp cooled melted dark chocolate.
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