Chatelaine Kitchen

Behind the scenes

One of our favourite pages in the magazine to work on is Loose Ends. Every month we come up with ways to use any extra ingredients we call for in recipes
By Claire


One of our favourite pages in the magazine to work on is Loose Ends. Every month we come up with ways to use any extra ingredients we call for in recipes -- like if we call for half a can of pumpkin in a dessert, on the Loose Ends page we give you 2 short recipe ideas for the rest of the can.  We're shooting a picture of all the extra ingredients for the November issue today. Here's our photographer Rob with Sandi from the Art department, arguing over where to put a pile of cranberries. Meanwhile, recipe testing marches on in the background -- Lyn and Meaghan are working on soups for the January issue. All in a day's work.....


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