Chatelaine Kitchen

5 things you didn’t know about asparagus

Spring is prime time for these delicious stalks, and whether you prefer them raw, roasted, boiled or grilled, here are a few extra things you should know.
By Louisa Clements
Asparagus Photo, Erik Putz.

Seeing asparagus in the grocery store means one thing: spring is around the corner! I’m always excited to bring a fresh bunch home because it’s such a versatile vegetable – you can eat it raw, roasted, boiled and even grilled.

Can you believe that I had never tried grilled asparagus before joining the team in the Chatelaine Kitchen? I always thought that roasting was my favourite, but boy was I wrong. There is something special about the flavour that comes out in asparagus when you grill it – you have to give it a try this spring.

My time in the kitchen has taught me a lot about asparagus; here are five things to know this popular spring vegetable:

1. There are different varieties of asparagus, most often you’ll find green asparagus but sometimes you’ll see white or even purple varieties.

2. The difference between varieties is a slight variation in flavour. White asparagus has a milder taste than green, while purple is slightly sweeter. Try this white asparagus with easy hollandaise.

3. What is white asparagus? This mellow-flavoured variety is grown so that no sunlight reaches it, preventing it from developing any colour. It's most commonly seen in early spring – but not for long – so keep an eye out when in the produce aisle.


4. To preserve asparagus' bright green colour, salt your water before blanching.

5. After trimming the tough ends off of asparagus, a tough layer may remain on the bottom third of the stalk. Use a vegetable peeler to peel away this layer before cooking.


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