Produced by Aimee Nishitoba; Photography by Christie Vuong; Recipe by Julie Van Rosendaal; Food Styling by Ashley Denton; Prop Styling by Madeleine Johari
Maize is a key ingredient in warm and cold beverages around the world. This deliciously creamy version, popular in Guatemala and other Latin American countries, highlights the sweetness of corn and can be served warm or chilled. It can even be turned into a milkshake by blending the chilled milk mixture with vanilla ice cream.
2 cobs of corn
3 cups milk, or milk alternative
1/3 cup granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
1 cinnamon stick
Ground cinnamon, optional
Remove husks and silk from corn cobs. Cut kernels off cobs, reserving cobs; add kernels to blender along with milk, sugar and salt. (Scrape milky bits off each cob into the blender, too.) Pulse until mixture is chunky; pour into a medium saucepan. Add cinnamon stick and reserved corn cobs, breaking them in half if it helps them fit in the saucepan.
Heat until mixture is steaming and bubbly around edge of pan. Remove cobs and cinnamon stick; strain milk mixture through fine sieve. Dust lightly with ground cinnamon. Serve warm or let cool, then refrigerate until well chilled.
If using a milk alternative, try oat, rice, almond or cashew, or unsweetened coconut milk (not canned). And you can use strained corn pulp in cornbread, pancakes or fritters.