What subject do you talk about with your guy friends that you think would come as a surprise to women?
Top answers:
Kids and family
Nothing would surprise them - we're predictable
Other answers: our feelings, home décor, hygiene, health, TV shows and poop
Do you care if your partner makes more money than you?
No - 90 percent
Yes - 10 percent
Did your wife, or would you want your wife to, take your last name? Would you ever take hers?
My wife took, or I’d like her to take, my last name - 58 percent
She didn’t take my last name/ It doesn’t matter if she takes my last name - 42 percent
I would take my wife’s last name - 14 percent
I would not take my wife’s last name - 86 percent
What kind of grooming do you prefer to see on a woman: landing strip, fully waxed or lady garden?
Fully waxed - 35 percent
Landing strip - 27 percent
Lady garden - 11 percent
Anything, just neatly groomed - 14 percent
No preference - 13 percent
What female celebrity do you find hot?
Top answers:
Scarlett Johannson
Angelina Jolie
Jessica Alba
Kate Beckinsale
[a] Jennifer Aniston and Beyonce
Which male celebrity would you go gay for?
Top answers:
No-one [overwhelmingly]
Brad Pitt
George Clooney
Tickets to the Stanley Cup or sex - which would you rather have?
Cup tickets - 62 percent
Sex - 23 percent
Depends on who is playing - 8 percent
Dirty cheaters who answered “See the Cup final then have sex” - 7 percent
The best and worst parts about being a woman, according to men
Top answers:
The best part would be unsolicited attention from the opposite sex.
The worst part would be unsolicited attention from the opposite sex.
Best part - creating life with my own body, and the bond a mother has with her children.
Worst part - not having the same opportunities as men due to sexism, conscious and unconscious.
The best: more clothing choices.
The worst: getting your period every month.
At what age are women most attractive, and why?
Top answers:
It depends on the woman. It also depends on what makes them attractive. Perky breasts are a nice feature, but so is confidence. There’s a small window when women have both.
25-35. Women at this age are more mature in their outlook, usually are realizing (or attempting to realize) their ambitions and are also generally more physically attractive than their counterparts in other age groups.
I find women most attractive in the sweet spot: 20-70. Because for every young starlet, there’s a Helen Mirren, and that’s why the world is a good place.
What’s the most romantic thing you¹ve ever done for a woman?
I once learned how to sing a French love song for a girl who lived a few towns away, but by the time that I got up to see her she had a boyfriend. I never sang her that song, but I still remember it.
Waited 8 hours in line, without her knowing, for an autograph of her favorite author.
A Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt. She had to go all over town and get clues that eventually led to a hotel suite, where I was waiting. Those are all the details you get.
Flew her to Quebec City for her birthday - but didn’t tell her where we were till we touched down.
I bought a woman flowers. That’s as about romantic as I get.
In my opinion, gave her a massage. In her opinion, fixed the toilet.
If you could cheat on your partner without getting caught, would you?
No - 80 percent
Yes - 10 percent
Maybe - 10 percent
Would you want to know if your partner cheated on you?
Yes - 75 percent
No - 21 percent
Maybe - 4 percent
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