
Wait, did Justin Trudeau perform acrobatics at a state event?

No, that can't be him. Can it?
Did Justin Trudeau perform acrobatics at a state dinner? Justin and Sophie Trudeau with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and his wife, Cheng Hong, at a dinner hosted by Trudeau. Photo, Fred Chartrand/The Canadian Press.

Thursday night, at an event Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hosted for China's Premier Li Keqiang and his wife, Cheng Hong, there was some excitement over the exact nature of the evening's entertainment. It all started when Katie Telford, Trudeau's chief of staff, tweeted that the prime minister had alluded to an imminent "surprise act."

Later in the evening, Telford followed up with this shot, "as promised."

Which quickly ignited social media speculation that this was, in fact, a photo of the prime minister flying through the air with the greatest of ease.


It does seem just plausible enough that Trudeau would perform acrobatic feats at a diplomatic event in a sparkly leotard. Especially given this:

Photo, @gregkolz/Twitter. Photo, @gregkolz/Twitter.

And the guy has hidden talents, like drawing:

A watercolour sketch of the Canadian Museum For Human Rights drawn by Justin Trudeau was auctioned for $25,200. Trudeau drew the image of the Canadian Museum For Human Rights after visiting the Winnipeg building last spring. Photo, The Canadian Press/Friends of the Canadian Museum For Human Rights/ Justin Trudeau. Justin Trudeau's watercolour sketch of the Canadian Museum For Human Rights. Photo, The Canadian Press/Friends of the Canadian Museum For Human Rights/ Justin Trudeau.

He also has a stuntman's knack for broad physical comedy:

And it wouldn't be the first time he pulled a one-handed trick:

Justin Trudeau pushups Justin Trudeau did a one-handed pushup in a video with Invictus Games athletes.

Okay, so it wasn't him. But maybe next time it could be?

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