
How to make getting ready for work easier, faster and less awful

Chatelaine editors offer their best tips for getting out the door.
Ace your morning routine. If only we felt like this on Monday morning. Photo, Getty Images.

Weekday mornings are pretty much the worst. There never seems to be enough time to shower, drink a coffee, eat, assemble a reasonably put-together-looking outfit, tame flyaways, apply mascara and, for those of us with kids, get them out the door with a matching pair of shoes on. With back-to-school season officially underway, we conducted an informal Chatelaine survey of our own morning shortcuts in the hopes that the combined wisdom would prove useful.

"I like to prep breakfast. I put all of the ingredients in my Magic Bullet cup the night before (minus the protein powder) and stick it in the fridge. In the morning all I have to do is toss in a scoop of powder and blend! Style-wise I like to look at Pinterest before bed to get inspiration for a morning outfit. I wake up excited to try that look rather than dreading putting an outfit together." — Kaylana Griffin, Assistant Style Editor


"I have a killer commute (two hours each way), so I fill up my iPhone with new podcasts every night and bring a bag to work that always has a book, umbrella and a sweater in it (just in case)." — Michelle Lucas Larving, Assistant Food Editor

"Does totally ignoring your appearance count? (Joking not joking.) We have 'family races' to see who can get dressed the fastest, or brush their teeth the fastest, or get their shoes on the fastest — otherwise my five-year-old would take an hour to just choose a shirt. I also double whatever I cook on the weekend so there are a couple of easy leftover lunch grabs in the fridge during the week." — Christina Vardanis, Executive Editor


"Our family has pre-arranged shower times like clockwork. Twenty minutes of ‘me' time in our small bathroom starts my day on the right note. Wardrobe-wise, I love, love, love linen or linen-blend clothes, but they’re a pain to keep wrinkle-free. After they’re washed, I give them two good snap-straightening shakes and hang them. I’m good to go most mornings without having to grab the iron." — Carolyn Lim Chua, Associate Food Editor

"I make my lunch the night before so that in the morning all I have to do is pop in an icepack and put it in my backpack. I also choose my outfit the night before to save myself from morning indecision. If I have stuff to bring to work the next day, it goes in my backpack at night, or at least in the grab-n-go area near my door." — Laura Brown, Managing Editor


"I've started cooking big batches of grains, protein and veggies on the weekends so it's easy to assemble grain-bowl lunches. Right now, it's brown rice with chicken, broccoli, edamame, carrot, sesame seeds and nori. I also have a programmable coffee maker that I set before bed." — Carley Fortune, Deputy Editor

"I find it handy to have a check list in order to avoid forgetting things while rushing out the door: lunch, sweater, phone, shoes (to change into at the office), iPad, notebook." — Jill Rosenzweig, Style Intern 

"While this doesn’t happen as often as I’d like it to, every time  I make Chatelaine’s Overnight Chia Oatmeal in the evening, my morning is less rushed and infinitely more delicious." — Dominique Lamberton, Associate Editor



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