Many women have stepped into my office with their husbands in tow, wanting nothing more than my support in justifying their anger with the fact that their significant other plays sexual solitaire. I listen attentively, commiserate with them for finding out the shocking truth, and then turn to their husband and say, “Congratulations for taking a step towards good health, I commend you in your actions. Keep up the solo work”.
Once the look of shock has firmly planted itself upon their faces, I take the lead in explaining all the health benefits to self-loving and why it is extremely important for the husband to continue in his quest for good sexual health by ‘getting in touch with himself’ on a regular basis.
The top five reasons why self-loving may do more for your partner than hitting the gym:
1. Reduces the Risk of Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer in Canada and the second leading cause of cancer deaths. Prostate gland related disorders are known to be caused by or worsened as a result of the secretions from the gland. Frequent ejaculations eliminate these harmful secretions and also helps protect the gland from cancer. A recent study found that 21 or more ejaculations per month were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in men.
2. Increases Immunity and Promotes Longevity: Having an orgasm releases the hormone DHEA (Dehdroepiandrosterone) and the immune boosting antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA). These secretions not only increase your overall immunity level in the body (helping to keep colds and flues away), but it also works as an anti-depressant, can help repair tissues, improve cognition and keep skin healthy.
3. Relieves Pain and Reduces Stress: Orgasms are associated with high levels of the hormone oxytocin, which in turn releases endorphins. These help to alleviate a wide range of painful problems, from headaches and arthritis, to back aches. The oxytocin also helps to reduce stress and relief tension.
4. Increases blood circulation and helps keep bones and muscles strong: Any activity that gets your heart pumping causes your cells and organs to become saturated with fresh oxygen and hormones. As the used blood is removed, waste products that cause fatigue and illness are removed with it. Testosterone boosts will also help to fortify bones and muscles, keeping your limbs stronger, longer.
5. Aids in our ability to get enough restful sleep: Research shows that the oxytocin that is released during orgasm, not only helps to reduce our stress and relief tension, but it also aids in our ability to fall asleep. As we all know, getting enough restful sleep has been linked with a host of positive things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure.
The health benefits of masturbation are so plentiful, that my quick summary barely does it justice. So ladies, next time you catch your man doing a little hands on training, remember this article, and feel thankful for your partner's wholehearted attempts at maintaining a healthy body. After all, no woman wants a stressed out, depressed, weak insomniac with a constant cold and an unhealthy prostate.
Dr. Teesha Morgan is an experienced sex therapist based in Vancouver.
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